♥ Monday, December 31, 2007 ♥
Pre-New Year Resolutions
31 December 2007
Only 6 more hours until New Year. Better get all my New Year Resolutions ready. Not that I actually try to ... accomplish my resolutions.
My 2008 New Year Resolutions.
1. I must lose weight.
2. I must study earlier for every exam.
3. I must exercise more often.
4. I must not eat so many sweets and junk food.
5. I must lose weight.
6. I must lose weight.
7. I must lose weight.
8. I must lose weight.
9. I must lose weight.
10. I must lose weight.
Ok. Done.
Happy New Year!!!
Only 6 more hours until New Year. Better get all my New Year Resolutions ready. Not that I actually try to ... accomplish my resolutions.
My 2008 New Year Resolutions.
1. I must lose weight.
2. I must study earlier for every exam.
3. I must exercise more often.
4. I must not eat so many sweets and junk food.
5. I must lose weight.
6. I must lose weight.
7. I must lose weight.
8. I must lose weight.
9. I must lose weight.
10. I must lose weight.
Ok. Done.
Happy New Year!!!
♥ craving chocolate kisses ..
6:07 PM
6:07 PM
My First Impression On Dentists
31 December 2007
I just read one of my old posts where we checked our teeth at school.
Of course I freaked out.
I don't know why I always freak out and become super nervous when I'm getting my teeth checked. Probably because my first impression of a dentist is truly horrible.
First impression on dentists :
They're crazy. Mad. Disgusting. Insane. They frighten me. They are people I'll hate forever.
I do appreciate all the dentists' hard work and ... um, volunteering-spirit. I mean, come on, who would want to get their hands into people's smelly and dirty mouths??
But I'm sorry, dentists, no matter how brave you are, I still hate you.
My first dentist is our primary school one.
One fucking mad dentist she is.
All of us were very scared of her. Because she's beyond mad.
When we were young, we crave for sweets, and we don't really know how to clean our teeth properly right?? (in other words, our teeth are quite dirty when we were young) And it's either the dentists or our parents duty to teach us how to brush our teeth nicely.
I tell you. Have you ever seen a dentist that dug out some of the food remains stuck between your teeth, then, instead of telling us how to clean our teeth properly so there wouldn't be any food remains stuck between our teeth, she scolds you, and asks you to EAT THE DAMNED FOOD REMAIN THAT WAS DUG OUT FROM YOUR TEETH???
Not did she only ASKS you to eat it, she just practically threw the whole thing into your mouth and you have no choice but to swallow it. You can't spit it out, because you're lying down.
That's the worst memory I had. Too bad I was so young, thus very innocent and stupid, or else I'd probably sock the stupid dentist in the mouth until she's dead. Or else I'll ask her to eat a food remain from her mouth.
Oh. I'm sorry. I forgot she was a dentist. She'd probably doesn't have food remains in her mouth. Except maybe when she's young like us.
Never mind. I'll ask her to stand at the edge of the cliff, legs and arms binded tightly by strong ropes, and I'll dug out some food remains from some other people's mouths, or maybe some dead animal's corpse, a crocodile, maybe, then I'll ask her to eat it, or else I'll throw her off the cliff, let the sharks eat her, then the sharks will have HER remains in their mouths.
Ha ha ha. Serves her right.
Oops. Sorry. My imagination is running amok.
Anyway. That's not all she does, asking you to eat your dirty food remains from your mouth.
Everytime she checks our teeth, she's always very ... violent. After she checked our teeth, we always bleed one lor!! Always got a mini wound here and there.
And she's one scolding expert.
You have dirty teeth, then you deserves caning.
And she canes you with a wooden ruler.
Wooden ruler lor!!! Very painful.
She's the worst dentist I've ever seen. Not that I've seen many.
Whatever. She sucks.
Now, she will come to our school occasionally. I mean our secondary school.
She's VERY, very not welcomed.
We were comparing her with the other dentist that day at school. Our class were lucky enough to let the gentle and kind one check our teeth instead of the cruel and evil one from my primary school.
The kind one was like : "Your teeth ... just a little bit dirty at the insides ... you must brush your teeth more properly, ok?? I'll help you check again next week."
The cruel one aka the mad dentist : "You!! Got brush your teeth or not?? Why so dirty?? You want to get ugly teeth is it?? Afterwards when you smile, everyone will faint!! SOO smelly!! *dig, dig, dig your gums until you bleed*
Fuck lah.
How come she can be a dentist?
Oh. A dentist with super horrible teeth, by the way. Crooked, and yellow. They might be clean, yes, but ugly nevertheless.
I hate her.
I hate dentists.
* Go Back *
I just read one of my old posts where we checked our teeth at school.
Of course I freaked out.
I don't know why I always freak out and become super nervous when I'm getting my teeth checked. Probably because my first impression of a dentist is truly horrible.
First impression on dentists :
They're crazy. Mad. Disgusting. Insane. They frighten me. They are people I'll hate forever.
I do appreciate all the dentists' hard work and ... um, volunteering-spirit. I mean, come on, who would want to get their hands into people's smelly and dirty mouths??
But I'm sorry, dentists, no matter how brave you are, I still hate you.
My first dentist is our primary school one.
One fucking mad dentist she is.
All of us were very scared of her. Because she's beyond mad.
When we were young, we crave for sweets, and we don't really know how to clean our teeth properly right?? (in other words, our teeth are quite dirty when we were young) And it's either the dentists or our parents duty to teach us how to brush our teeth nicely.
I tell you. Have you ever seen a dentist that dug out some of the food remains stuck between your teeth, then, instead of telling us how to clean our teeth properly so there wouldn't be any food remains stuck between our teeth, she scolds you, and asks you to EAT THE DAMNED FOOD REMAIN THAT WAS DUG OUT FROM YOUR TEETH???
Not did she only ASKS you to eat it, she just practically threw the whole thing into your mouth and you have no choice but to swallow it. You can't spit it out, because you're lying down.
That's the worst memory I had. Too bad I was so young, thus very innocent and stupid, or else I'd probably sock the stupid dentist in the mouth until she's dead. Or else I'll ask her to eat a food remain from her mouth.
Oh. I'm sorry. I forgot she was a dentist. She'd probably doesn't have food remains in her mouth. Except maybe when she's young like us.
Never mind. I'll ask her to stand at the edge of the cliff, legs and arms binded tightly by strong ropes, and I'll dug out some food remains from some other people's mouths, or maybe some dead animal's corpse, a crocodile, maybe, then I'll ask her to eat it, or else I'll throw her off the cliff, let the sharks eat her, then the sharks will have HER remains in their mouths.
Ha ha ha. Serves her right.
Oops. Sorry. My imagination is running amok.
Anyway. That's not all she does, asking you to eat your dirty food remains from your mouth.
Everytime she checks our teeth, she's always very ... violent. After she checked our teeth, we always bleed one lor!! Always got a mini wound here and there.
And she's one scolding expert.
You have dirty teeth, then you deserves caning.
And she canes you with a wooden ruler.
Wooden ruler lor!!! Very painful.
She's the worst dentist I've ever seen. Not that I've seen many.
Whatever. She sucks.
Now, she will come to our school occasionally. I mean our secondary school.
She's VERY, very not welcomed.
We were comparing her with the other dentist that day at school. Our class were lucky enough to let the gentle and kind one check our teeth instead of the cruel and evil one from my primary school.
The kind one was like : "Your teeth ... just a little bit dirty at the insides ... you must brush your teeth more properly, ok?? I'll help you check again next week."
The cruel one aka the mad dentist : "You!! Got brush your teeth or not?? Why so dirty?? You want to get ugly teeth is it?? Afterwards when you smile, everyone will faint!! SOO smelly!! *dig, dig, dig your gums until you bleed*
Fuck lah.
How come she can be a dentist?
Oh. A dentist with super horrible teeth, by the way. Crooked, and yellow. They might be clean, yes, but ugly nevertheless.
I hate her.
I hate dentists.
* Go Back *
♥ craving chocolate kisses ..
1:40 PM
1:40 PM
♥ Friday, December 28, 2007 ♥
Achmed's Christmas Carol
28 December 2007
You HAVE to watch this!!
It's Jeff Dunham and his puppet Achmed again!!
Instead of all those jokes last time, this time, Achmed's singing a Christmas song!!
And he's wearing a Christmas hat, oh my.
The Christmas Carol is called Jingle Bombs.
Hee hee.
This is the first video Achmed the Dead Terrorist.
I love Achmed!!!
You HAVE to watch this!!
It's Jeff Dunham and his puppet Achmed again!!
Instead of all those jokes last time, this time, Achmed's singing a Christmas song!!
And he's wearing a Christmas hat, oh my.
The Christmas Carol is called Jingle Bombs.
Hee hee.
This is the first video Achmed the Dead Terrorist.
I love Achmed!!!
♥ craving chocolate kisses ..
6:49 PM
6:49 PM
♥ Thursday, December 27, 2007 ♥
I WON !!!!
27 November 2007
My sister just got her PMR results like, minutes ago.
Wonder how it was?
Do you NEED to wonder??
Hah. Those who knew my sister, I'm sure they know the answer already.
(Those who doesn't know my sister, I'll just say, she's a DAMN lazy girl who hates studying and always got lousy results. No surprises about her PMR results.)
So I'll just tell you. No suspenses.
She got 8As!!!
Of course she did.
Because I was lying about her being lazy and always got lousy results.
Wonder why this entry has such a weird title?
I won.
Should be, SHE "won", not me, right?
Actually, it's because we all placed bets for her results.
My eldest brother said she'll get : 6As
He's damn sui right?? His own sister also don't want to give a little more support ... =P
My second brother said she'll get : 8As
My sister said she'll get : 7As or 6As
Blah. She always says that. Oh, I flunked my Chinese paper!! My essay!! Ahhh!! And my Malay paper ... *clutch her face in fear*
Okay lah. She didn't really clutch her face in fear.
Errrgh. Irritates me, really. I know it's a natural thing to worry about your results and all that, but ... *shrugs* Don't know why she's so noisy as she always got super good results, and she's in the first class...
My bet is that my sister will get : 8As
Of course! Anyone who's anyone knows that she'll get straight As.
And that's why my second brother and I won the bet!
My sister owes us RM8 each.
To think I was worried about her getting 7As, because if she did, I need to give her RM8.
She got 8As :
GOOD = I got RM8. Not a big sum, but, not a lot of people can get a free RM8 just because he/she said that their sister/brother is going to get 8As in PMR.
BAD = Next year, when I have my PMR, *gulps*, and her results are SO good, *gulps*, and if I really, REALLY flunked my exam papers, *gulps*, then I'm a dead girl.
Parents. *shakes head* All they do is to compare. Like I read an entry from Jun Fang's blog, she said that she's very stressed because her brother passed his PMR in flying colors, and she was worried that if she didn't, her parents will start comparing, like, "Your brother is so clever, what about you?? Stupid girl!!" sort of stuff, only without the stupid girl.
I feel exactly the same.
What if my parents compared my results to my sister's???!
My sister is a super genius leh!! Cannot compare!!!!
Not that my parents actually compared our school results before. Heh. Maybe they know that I'm the stupid daughter. And the lazy one. And the bad one. And the shorter one. And the ...
No. I won't be shorter than her anymore once I reached the age where I can wear super-high heels. Ha ha ha. Then I'll be taller than her.
That was lame. Anyway,
Message to Ee Leng : Now I found out that there's an advantage of being the only child in your family. Lonely as you are, your parents wouldn't compare your exam results!! Because there's simply no one to compare with.
Now, to think of what I'll do with that super-small sum of RM8.
Buy a sweet.
Buy a chocolate.
Buy 8 ice-creams.
Buy ... (buy full stops)
Don't think there's a lot of things that can be bought with RM8, except food.
Oh NO!! School is reopening in ... *gulps* (stop gulping for goodness sake) 6 days. 5 days for me anyway, because we (2008 Form 3 students) need to go to school on 2nd of January, goodness knows why.
But, anything concerning SCHOOL couldn't be a very happy affair, right?
Probably something like, oh!! Think about your bright future, study hard for your fucking PMR from day to night, never leaving your desks, not even when you feel like peeing or pooping. Wear pampers. Eat your books if you're hungry. Drink your pee if you're thirsty. Blah. Blah. Blah.
Please God, let one day be 120000 hours instead of 24 hours from now on. Or just postpone the day when school reopens. Postpone it too, say ... 3rd of January??
Oops. I mean, 3rd of January, 2008.
And, our digital camera is finally BACK!
But now, I feel like having another new camera. Why?
Because now only I realized that our camera is like, 6.0 mega pixels only. I know it's quite a lot (but still quite little), but some pictures just couldn't be taken clearly, especially ones in a close distance.
Oh well.
I know!! I'll buy a digital camera with the RM8 my sister just gave me.
Perfect way to spend it.

Don't ask. I just feel like taking pictures with the "new" (as in, just-repaired-new) camera. And I just think that pink and French Manicures make a good and sweet color combination. Kind of.
And see what I said about the camera can't take close-distance pictures?? I know the photo isn't too blur, but it's not as sharp as I'd like, anyway.
But I still love the camera.
* Go Back *
My sister just got her PMR results like, minutes ago.
Wonder how it was?
Do you NEED to wonder??
Hah. Those who knew my sister, I'm sure they know the answer already.
(Those who doesn't know my sister, I'll just say, she's a DAMN lazy girl who hates studying and always got lousy results. No surprises about her PMR results.)
So I'll just tell you. No suspenses.
She got 8As!!!
Of course she did.
Because I was lying about her being lazy and always got lousy results.
Wonder why this entry has such a weird title?
I won.
Should be, SHE "won", not me, right?
Actually, it's because we all placed bets for her results.
My eldest brother said she'll get : 6As
He's damn sui right?? His own sister also don't want to give a little more support ... =P
My second brother said she'll get : 8As
My sister said she'll get : 7As or 6As
Blah. She always says that. Oh, I flunked my Chinese paper!! My essay!! Ahhh!! And my Malay paper ... *clutch her face in fear*
Okay lah. She didn't really clutch her face in fear.
Errrgh. Irritates me, really. I know it's a natural thing to worry about your results and all that, but ... *shrugs* Don't know why she's so noisy as she always got super good results, and she's in the first class...
My bet is that my sister will get : 8As
Of course! Anyone who's anyone knows that she'll get straight As.
And that's why my second brother and I won the bet!
My sister owes us RM8 each.
To think I was worried about her getting 7As, because if she did, I need to give her RM8.
She got 8As :
GOOD = I got RM8. Not a big sum, but, not a lot of people can get a free RM8 just because he/she said that their sister/brother is going to get 8As in PMR.
BAD = Next year, when I have my PMR, *gulps*, and her results are SO good, *gulps*, and if I really, REALLY flunked my exam papers, *gulps*, then I'm a dead girl.
Parents. *shakes head* All they do is to compare. Like I read an entry from Jun Fang's blog, she said that she's very stressed because her brother passed his PMR in flying colors, and she was worried that if she didn't, her parents will start comparing, like, "Your brother is so clever, what about you?? Stupid girl!!" sort of stuff, only without the stupid girl.
I feel exactly the same.
What if my parents compared my results to my sister's???!
My sister is a super genius leh!! Cannot compare!!!!
Not that my parents actually compared our school results before. Heh. Maybe they know that I'm the stupid daughter. And the lazy one. And the bad one. And the shorter one. And the ...
No. I won't be shorter than her anymore once I reached the age where I can wear super-high heels. Ha ha ha. Then I'll be taller than her.
That was lame. Anyway,
Message to Ee Leng : Now I found out that there's an advantage of being the only child in your family. Lonely as you are, your parents wouldn't compare your exam results!! Because there's simply no one to compare with.
Now, to think of what I'll do with that super-small sum of RM8.
Buy a sweet.
Buy a chocolate.
Buy 8 ice-creams.
Buy ... (buy full stops)
Don't think there's a lot of things that can be bought with RM8, except food.
Oh NO!! School is reopening in ... *gulps* (stop gulping for goodness sake) 6 days. 5 days for me anyway, because we (2008 Form 3 students) need to go to school on 2nd of January, goodness knows why.
But, anything concerning SCHOOL couldn't be a very happy affair, right?
Probably something like, oh!! Think about your bright future, study hard for your fucking PMR from day to night, never leaving your desks, not even when you feel like peeing or pooping. Wear pampers. Eat your books if you're hungry. Drink your pee if you're thirsty. Blah. Blah. Blah.
Please God, let one day be 120000 hours instead of 24 hours from now on. Or just postpone the day when school reopens. Postpone it too, say ... 3rd of January??
Oops. I mean, 3rd of January, 2008.
And, our digital camera is finally BACK!
But now, I feel like having another new camera. Why?
Because now only I realized that our camera is like, 6.0 mega pixels only. I know it's quite a lot (but still quite little), but some pictures just couldn't be taken clearly, especially ones in a close distance.
Oh well.
I know!! I'll buy a digital camera with the RM8 my sister just gave me.
Perfect way to spend it.

Don't ask. I just feel like taking pictures with the "new" (as in, just-repaired-new) camera. And I just think that pink and French Manicures make a good and sweet color combination. Kind of.
And see what I said about the camera can't take close-distance pictures?? I know the photo isn't too blur, but it's not as sharp as I'd like, anyway.
But I still love the camera.
* Go Back *
♥ craving chocolate kisses ..
10:46 AM
10:46 AM
♥ Tuesday, December 25, 2007 ♥
Singapore : Part 5
27 November 2007
I'm still in Singapore!!!! 7 more days to hang out with Ee Leng!! I'm so happy.
But all we really did was shopping. Which I love, so no complains.
We went to Causeway Point at the Woodlands place...
Ee Leng and I bought a pair of shades each at John Little. They're not very expensive, $12.90. But I'm lacking Singapore money at that time, so Ee Leng paid $4 for me.
We walked around for quite a while, and I bought Xuan & Wei's presents there. Two cute piggy banks, except that they weren't pigs. One of them anyway. A pink transparent pig one, and a brown transparent bear one.
Since they said they want something that they can use, not accessories, not ornaments ...
Finding their presents were the hardest of all. I hope they like it anyway.
We went to the food court on the top floor, and guess what we ate???
a.) French snails.
b.) Pink dolphins.
Not again.
Okaaay. I know I'm lame beyond words, but what can I do?? I'm soooo bored. And today's Christmas. Today TODAY. Updating after almost a month's time.
We had ....... 板面!!!
(I know you're scoffing. You'd think : Again??! What the hell's so special about 板面??)
板面's special, because ... because ... it's nice!! It made a good first impression on me. That's why I like it.
I don't care what you say.
Now I'm back in Penang I have like, 0% chance to eat it anymore. We seldom went out to hawker centers ... Mostly we go to Western Food restaurants.
And that, explains why we're so fat.
Hee hee.
28 November 2007
My birthday!!
Quick, everyone, say : "Happy Birthday!!!!" Um, no. "Happy Belated Birthday!!!!"
Weirdest birthday I've ever had. I'm not saying it wasn't fun, it was.
Stayed in the whole morning, then Ee Leng and I (duh. who else??) went for a swim downstairs, and baked in the sun!!
Perfect chance to wear our new sunglasses.
Feels good to be under the sun after a swim, settling down with a nice book, then jump (in my case, dip my toe, then go in S-L-O-W-L-Y) into the pool to cool yourself, then climb out and bake again.
Better yet, there was a mini "waterfall", with water flowing from the small jacuzzi pool into the big pool. We found out that lying there with the water flowing under your back, and baking at the same time is the best thing ever.
And I mean the best thing ever.
What feels better to be wet and hot at the same time?
*dreamy smile*
My friends all think I'm crazy, trying to get myself tanned. They'd do anything to stay as pale as lilies.
I think tanned skin is way prettier than pale skin lorr ... Seriously.
Pale skin just reminds me of ghosts. But I guess pale skin looks good on some girls.
I still prefer tanned, golden skin like :

Hers. Gorgeous, no??
Even if I can't see the girl's face, I'm totally sure she's a super beautiful girl. What could go wrong?? Tanned golden skin, luxurious blondish brown hair, luscious lips, skinny arms, gorgeous top and bag, chiseled jaw ....
WHAT COULD GO WRONG??? Damn. I wish I was her.
BUT!! Getting tanned means one thing : tan lines.
Ee Leng says its nice. I don't think so!!
But we can't avoid it unless we sunbath naked, which is totally impossible, and even if it is possible, I don't think I'll do it. Your naked body for everyone to see?? Not my idea of fun.
After swimming, we bought McDonald's back home for lunch. Yum.
One thing I totally love about Ee Leng's house :
Hungry?? Walk to McDonald's.
Out of groceries?? Walk to Cold Storage. (I don't think it's really that near but apparently Singaporeans [like Ee Leng?] think it is)
No movies to watch?? Walk to the shop (whatever you call it) and rent a movie.
Bored?? Walk to the Bukit Timah Plaza.
I do think Ee Leng's damn lucky to live at a place like that ... and it's so safe to walk around alone!! I bet you'd get robbed minutes after you leave your place here ...
Back to lunch. The McDonald's at Singapore is just ... *drools* plain yummy!! Especially their fries. Warm, crispy, and perfectly salted. I can almost feel it in my mouth right now ...
We met my aunt at the日本村 (sushi restaurant) at my aunt's office for dinner. The sushi there are damn cheap!!!! No matter what you took from the conveyor belt, it's $0.99.
And because my aunt works at the same building, she got a 5% (I think) discount.
No more worrying about getting fat because sushi is healthy, right?? Mwahaha.


Can make out what's in the second picture??


We love pork!!
Okay, in case you didn't notice : I'm a serious klutz when it comes to chopsticks. I can barely hold it straight.
Ahhh ... whatever, as long as I can hold things up and eat it, it's fine. Even if the food kept dropping. =.=

The toilet mirrors are disgusting! Eh. Do I look tanner?? :P
After the enormous dinner *burrrps*, we went to the City Link and Marina Square by MRT.

Godiva Chocolates!!
No Godiva in Penang. Pooo!! Not that I'd buy it if there were. First, it's expensive. Second, it makes one fat. Third, it makes one sprout pimples the size of chocolates. Fourth, BECAUSE WE DON'T HAVE THE SHOP HERE.
I totally love the name : Godiva!! Sounds so ... Glam?? Exotic?? I don't know.
Goddess + Diva = Godiva (a princess, maybe??)
We bought a really cute shirt each from Hang Ten & Co. It's only $5. :D But the shirt is damn cute lah. Heee.
We went inside Action City again, but they don't sell Ashley the Runaway Pigs anymore. =(
We also went to The Wallet Shop. Ee Leng bought a totally cool wallet!!!

Cool?? They have a whole collection ... pencil cases with "Shoo!! No pens inside" on top, and a handphone pouch with "Shoo!! No handphone inside" on top.
So cute!!


My new pencil case. =) Pretty thing!
But the photo quality (yeahh, you know) is so damn BAD!!!
UPDATE : NOT ANYMORE!!! :D Not that bad anyway.

My pretty flip-flops from Ripples ...

There's more of them, but I can't seem to remember where it was. In other words, it's LOST.
Never mind. I'll find it. x)


Birthday present from Celine. Thanks a lot!! :D
It's a watch from Esprit.
Um, for Kids, apparently. I knew because I went to the Esprit shop and checked. =P But who cares??
The watch is really sweet and pretty, and it's pink.
I like pink!!

Cute notebook I bought form Takashimaya.
It's so pretty!!
Hope you got loads of presents. And hope you shower me with MORE presents.
Only a few minutes until Boxing Day ...
I'm waiting for your presents!!
* Go Back *
I'm still in Singapore!!!! 7 more days to hang out with Ee Leng!! I'm so happy.
But all we really did was shopping. Which I love, so no complains.
We went to Causeway Point at the Woodlands place...
Ee Leng and I bought a pair of shades each at John Little. They're not very expensive, $12.90. But I'm lacking Singapore money at that time, so Ee Leng paid $4 for me.
We walked around for quite a while, and I bought Xuan & Wei's presents there. Two cute piggy banks, except that they weren't pigs. One of them anyway. A pink transparent pig one, and a brown transparent bear one.
Since they said they want something that they can use, not accessories, not ornaments ...
Finding their presents were the hardest of all. I hope they like it anyway.
We went to the food court on the top floor, and guess what we ate???
a.) French snails.
b.) Pink dolphins.
Not again.
Okaaay. I know I'm lame beyond words, but what can I do?? I'm soooo bored. And today's Christmas. Today TODAY. Updating after almost a month's time.
We had ....... 板面!!!
(I know you're scoffing. You'd think : Again??! What the hell's so special about 板面??)
板面's special, because ... because ... it's nice!! It made a good first impression on me. That's why I like it.
I don't care what you say.
Now I'm back in Penang I have like, 0% chance to eat it anymore. We seldom went out to hawker centers ... Mostly we go to Western Food restaurants.
And that, explains why we're so fat.
Hee hee.
28 November 2007
My birthday!!
Quick, everyone, say : "Happy Birthday!!!!" Um, no. "Happy Belated Birthday!!!!"
Weirdest birthday I've ever had. I'm not saying it wasn't fun, it was.
Stayed in the whole morning, then Ee Leng and I (duh. who else??) went for a swim downstairs, and baked in the sun!!
Perfect chance to wear our new sunglasses.
Feels good to be under the sun after a swim, settling down with a nice book, then jump (in my case, dip my toe, then go in S-L-O-W-L-Y) into the pool to cool yourself, then climb out and bake again.
Better yet, there was a mini "waterfall", with water flowing from the small jacuzzi pool into the big pool. We found out that lying there with the water flowing under your back, and baking at the same time is the best thing ever.
And I mean the best thing ever.
What feels better to be wet and hot at the same time?
*dreamy smile*
My friends all think I'm crazy, trying to get myself tanned. They'd do anything to stay as pale as lilies.
I think tanned skin is way prettier than pale skin lorr ... Seriously.
Pale skin just reminds me of ghosts. But I guess pale skin looks good on some girls.
I still prefer tanned, golden skin like :

Hers. Gorgeous, no??
Even if I can't see the girl's face, I'm totally sure she's a super beautiful girl. What could go wrong?? Tanned golden skin, luxurious blondish brown hair, luscious lips, skinny arms, gorgeous top and bag, chiseled jaw ....
WHAT COULD GO WRONG??? Damn. I wish I was her.
BUT!! Getting tanned means one thing : tan lines.
Ee Leng says its nice. I don't think so!!
But we can't avoid it unless we sunbath naked, which is totally impossible, and even if it is possible, I don't think I'll do it. Your naked body for everyone to see?? Not my idea of fun.
After swimming, we bought McDonald's back home for lunch. Yum.
One thing I totally love about Ee Leng's house :
Hungry?? Walk to McDonald's.
Out of groceries?? Walk to Cold Storage. (I don't think it's really that near but apparently Singaporeans [like Ee Leng?] think it is)
No movies to watch?? Walk to the shop (whatever you call it) and rent a movie.
Bored?? Walk to the Bukit Timah Plaza.
I do think Ee Leng's damn lucky to live at a place like that ... and it's so safe to walk around alone!! I bet you'd get robbed minutes after you leave your place here ...
Back to lunch. The McDonald's at Singapore is just ... *drools* plain yummy!! Especially their fries. Warm, crispy, and perfectly salted. I can almost feel it in my mouth right now ...
We met my aunt at the日本村 (sushi restaurant) at my aunt's office for dinner. The sushi there are damn cheap!!!! No matter what you took from the conveyor belt, it's $0.99.
And because my aunt works at the same building, she got a 5% (I think) discount.
No more worrying about getting fat because sushi is healthy, right?? Mwahaha.


Can make out what's in the second picture??


We love pork!!
Okay, in case you didn't notice : I'm a serious klutz when it comes to chopsticks. I can barely hold it straight.
Ahhh ... whatever, as long as I can hold things up and eat it, it's fine. Even if the food kept dropping. =.=

The toilet mirrors are disgusting! Eh. Do I look tanner?? :P
After the enormous dinner *burrrps*, we went to the City Link and Marina Square by MRT.

Godiva Chocolates!!
No Godiva in Penang. Pooo!! Not that I'd buy it if there were. First, it's expensive. Second, it makes one fat. Third, it makes one sprout pimples the size of chocolates. Fourth, BECAUSE WE DON'T HAVE THE SHOP HERE.
I totally love the name : Godiva!! Sounds so ... Glam?? Exotic?? I don't know.
Goddess + Diva = Godiva (a princess, maybe??)
We bought a really cute shirt each from Hang Ten & Co. It's only $5. :D But the shirt is damn cute lah. Heee.
We went inside Action City again, but they don't sell Ashley the Runaway Pigs anymore. =(
We also went to The Wallet Shop. Ee Leng bought a totally cool wallet!!!

Cool?? They have a whole collection ... pencil cases with "Shoo!! No pens inside" on top, and a handphone pouch with "Shoo!! No handphone inside" on top.
So cute!!


My new pencil case. =) Pretty thing!
But the photo quality (yeahh, you know) is so damn BAD!!!
UPDATE : NOT ANYMORE!!! :D Not that bad anyway.

My pretty flip-flops from Ripples ...

There's more of them, but I can't seem to remember where it was. In other words, it's LOST.
Never mind. I'll find it. x)


Birthday present from Celine. Thanks a lot!! :D
It's a watch from Esprit.
Um, for Kids, apparently. I knew because I went to the Esprit shop and checked. =P But who cares??
The watch is really sweet and pretty, and it's pink.
I like pink!!

Cute notebook I bought form Takashimaya.
It's so pretty!!
Hope you got loads of presents. And hope you shower me with MORE presents.
Only a few minutes until Boxing Day ...
I'm waiting for your presents!!
* Go Back *
♥ craving chocolate kisses ..
8:20 PM
8:20 PM
♥ Saturday, December 22, 2007 ♥
Happy, Carefree Days?? =)
20 December - 22 December 2007
My cousin Zi Xin came and stayed at our house for three days and two nights.
After some games in the afternoon, we went to the Manhattan Fish Market at the New World Park (I think) for dinner.

Ooh. Yummy!!
Photos still in bad quality because our camera is currently being repaired somewhere in KL.

My Grilled Salmon Fillet. :)
Woke up to find out that my seventh aunt already had her baby!!
The star was born at 12:57 a.m.
Imagine us just getting into bed at that time (unusually early, I know, but apparently Zi Xin sleeps at 9 or 10 something when she's at home), and my seventh aunt was like, going through HELL with screams and blood?? Not a pretty sight.
We watched a movie at Gurney in the afternoon. Zi Xin said she seldom went to cinemas, so this is the perfect opportunity to let her . . . get the experience of watching a movie at the cinema, and of course, the perfect excuse to go out. =P
We watched Enchanted.
Giselle is pretty!! Minus her wrinkles on her forehead and her eyebags. I don't know why so many people said she looks old. Well, she IS 33 years old. You tell me, is 33 very old?? It's not like you're not ever going to be a 33 year old. And she only has wrinkles when she raised her eyebrows. Lots of people has wrinkles when they raise their eyebrows or widen their eyes. So what if she has wrinkles?? She's still pretty. And she has the most gorgeous blue eyes.
And if you think eyebags makes one look old . . .
I'm only 14.
I couldn't help thinking that Amy Adams (Giselle) looks like Avril Lavigne from some angles, their side profile for instance . . .
But Avril is prettier. I love her A LOT since she turned into a cute blond with a pink streak in her hair!!
Avril ROCKS!! =)

Look alike or not?? Kind of, right?? Maybe it's their noses . . .
And if this is old . . .

What's THIS??

She's the evil queen of the movie Enchanted, and guess how old is she??
She's 39. Looks old for her age hor?
Even if she doesn't look old, she still looks ugly.
Come on, red hair, red eyes, red cheeks, and red lips??
I'm surprised her eyebrows aren't red.
Ok lah . . . maybe she doesn't look that bad, but I won't admit that she looks nice. Maybe it's her hair, maybe it's her make up, maybe it's her ugly low cut dress, maybe it's just HER . . . but she just DOESN'T look nice.
We had lunch at the Little Cottage 2 first before going to Gurney.
Manhattan Fish Market yesterday and Little Cottage 2 today.
Anymore yummy western food for you, girl, and you won't be able to fit into your jeans and go through a door anymore.
Okay, I know.
Went to school the next morning . . . *yawn*
We went to Butterworth (oh damn, not again) to have an advanced Christmas celebration, because we were worried that my seventh aunt's baby will be due on the 25th.
God. What if we were like, eating yummy Christmas log cakes, drinking delicious Sparkling Juices (a special Snoopy brand one, in our case), and wasting our time, and suddenly my seventh aunt screamed and . . . Oops. Nooo. It's not like she's going to have the baby there. My bad.
We had lots and lots of yummy (and not yummy) food to eat there.
This is how you get fat, stupid.

Merry Christmas, Ashley!!
We played badminton again at night with my little cousins. (I know I sound like a badminton freak, but, think positive, it's EXERCISE!! Hahh. At least I exercise, if you call that an exercise)
The way Zi Xin acts around her brother's friends, ugly people, I might add, make me suspect that she has a crush on one of them!! =P
I sound super kaypo.
No. I AM kaypo.
If it's true that she has a crush on one of them, I don't know why. At first sight I thought they look like Primary School kiddies. (Ok lah . . . I know, if I see them after a few years, I'd probably reach their knees only)
I know looks doesn't really matter and what's most important is their inner beauty and all those shit (good shit anyway), but you can't deny it, most girls want good-looking guys.
Me too!! Me too!!!!
Ha ha.
Ok lah . . .
I want good-looking guys only if they're good at heart. (I sound totally cheesy hor?)

I SAID that my hair was short. And damn ugly.
My little cousin in front of me, the one in red, is damn cute!! I love her a lot. But . . . um, if her dress inch floor-ward anymore . . .
Not that there's anything to see . . . she's only 5, I think.
After that, we went to my seventh aunt's house to see her new baby.


Boy or girl?? You guess.
First time I saw a two-day-old baby.
Don't know why a two-day-old baby can have so much hair and so damn red skin!!
"Auntie arr!! I think the baby might have been sunburnt . . ."
It looks so delicate and fragile and . . . I would be too scared to hold it. I'd probably drop it on the floor and broke it's neck.
And just like my stupid sister, she has to ask my mum about having babies.
Now I don't feel like having a baby, no matter how cute and sweet they are.
It's hard being a female.
Like having your period isn't bad enough, you still have to go through the pain of having a baby??
Damn it.
* Go Back *
My cousin Zi Xin came and stayed at our house for three days and two nights.
After some games in the afternoon, we went to the Manhattan Fish Market at the New World Park (I think) for dinner.

Ooh. Yummy!!
Photos still in bad quality because our camera is currently being repaired somewhere in KL.

My Grilled Salmon Fillet. :)
Woke up to find out that my seventh aunt already had her baby!!
The star was born at 12:57 a.m.
Imagine us just getting into bed at that time (unusually early, I know, but apparently Zi Xin sleeps at 9 or 10 something when she's at home), and my seventh aunt was like, going through HELL with screams and blood?? Not a pretty sight.
We watched a movie at Gurney in the afternoon. Zi Xin said she seldom went to cinemas, so this is the perfect opportunity to let her . . . get the experience of watching a movie at the cinema, and of course, the perfect excuse to go out. =P
We watched Enchanted.
Giselle is pretty!! Minus her wrinkles on her forehead and her eyebags. I don't know why so many people said she looks old. Well, she IS 33 years old. You tell me, is 33 very old?? It's not like you're not ever going to be a 33 year old. And she only has wrinkles when she raised her eyebrows. Lots of people has wrinkles when they raise their eyebrows or widen their eyes. So what if she has wrinkles?? She's still pretty. And she has the most gorgeous blue eyes.
And if you think eyebags makes one look old . . .
I'm only 14.
I couldn't help thinking that Amy Adams (Giselle) looks like Avril Lavigne from some angles, their side profile for instance . . .
But Avril is prettier. I love her A LOT since she turned into a cute blond with a pink streak in her hair!!
Avril ROCKS!! =)

Look alike or not?? Kind of, right?? Maybe it's their noses . . .
And if this is old . . .

What's THIS??

She's the evil queen of the movie Enchanted, and guess how old is she??
She's 39. Looks old for her age hor?
Even if she doesn't look old, she still looks ugly.
Come on, red hair, red eyes, red cheeks, and red lips??
I'm surprised her eyebrows aren't red.
Ok lah . . . maybe she doesn't look that bad, but I won't admit that she looks nice. Maybe it's her hair, maybe it's her make up, maybe it's her ugly low cut dress, maybe it's just HER . . . but she just DOESN'T look nice.
We had lunch at the Little Cottage 2 first before going to Gurney.
Manhattan Fish Market yesterday and Little Cottage 2 today.
Anymore yummy western food for you, girl, and you won't be able to fit into your jeans and go through a door anymore.
Okay, I know.
Went to school the next morning . . . *yawn*
We went to Butterworth (oh damn, not again) to have an advanced Christmas celebration, because we were worried that my seventh aunt's baby will be due on the 25th.
God. What if we were like, eating yummy Christmas log cakes, drinking delicious Sparkling Juices (a special Snoopy brand one, in our case), and wasting our time, and suddenly my seventh aunt screamed and . . . Oops. Nooo. It's not like she's going to have the baby there. My bad.
We had lots and lots of yummy (and not yummy) food to eat there.
This is how you get fat, stupid.

Merry Christmas, Ashley!!
We played badminton again at night with my little cousins. (I know I sound like a badminton freak, but, think positive, it's EXERCISE!! Hahh. At least I exercise, if you call that an exercise)
The way Zi Xin acts around her brother's friends, ugly people, I might add, make me suspect that she has a crush on one of them!! =P
I sound super kaypo.
No. I AM kaypo.
If it's true that she has a crush on one of them, I don't know why. At first sight I thought they look like Primary School kiddies. (Ok lah . . . I know, if I see them after a few years, I'd probably reach their knees only)
I know looks doesn't really matter and what's most important is their inner beauty and all those shit (good shit anyway), but you can't deny it, most girls want good-looking guys.
Me too!! Me too!!!!
Ha ha.
Ok lah . . .
I want good-looking guys only if they're good at heart. (I sound totally cheesy hor?)

I SAID that my hair was short. And damn ugly.
My little cousin in front of me, the one in red, is damn cute!! I love her a lot. But . . . um, if her dress inch floor-ward anymore . . .
Not that there's anything to see . . . she's only 5, I think.
After that, we went to my seventh aunt's house to see her new baby.


Boy or girl?? You guess.
First time I saw a two-day-old baby.
Don't know why a two-day-old baby can have so much hair and so damn red skin!!
"Auntie arr!! I think the baby might have been sunburnt . . ."
It looks so delicate and fragile and . . . I would be too scared to hold it. I'd probably drop it on the floor and broke it's neck.
And just like my stupid sister, she has to ask my mum about having babies.
Now I don't feel like having a baby, no matter how cute and sweet they are.
It's hard being a female.
Like having your period isn't bad enough, you still have to go through the pain of having a baby??
Damn it.
* Go Back *
♥ craving chocolate kisses ..
1:11 PM
1:11 PM
♥ Thursday, December 20, 2007 ♥
Singapore : Part 4
26 November 2007
Went to Celine's house in the morning for an advanced-Christmas celebration and a birthday celebration for Donavan.
Christmas presents were given out, Christmas songs were played, even a Christmas log cake was prepared, but, there's just no Christmas feeling. Maybe it's the fact that there's like, one month until Christmas but we're already celebrating?? It just doesn't feel right.

Look at the big and bigger pieces of meat. :P

I don't know why Ee Leng was like, 10000 feet away from You-Know-Who. Maybe she's keeping her distance from all his hydrochloric acids, sulphuric acids, and his nuclear bombs and whatever scientific stuff he's into. Once he start talking, run. It's for your own good.
After the party, or parties anyway, we (Ee Leng and I) went shopping on our own, and the others all went to the Science Center, which is pretty boring, to me anyway. I'm just not that interested in Science stuff. The simple ones, maybe yeah. But all those complicated stuff like those acid acid stuff . . . It's not working with me.
I went to the Science Center before anyway.
Why waste precious shopping time for some boring Science stuff that I'm not interested in??
I prefer to shop for some cute accessories and clothes than walking for 4 hours straight, looking at how people's brains work.
I know I sound like a typical, stupid feather-head girl.
But, whatever!!
Ee Leng and I went to the Far East Plaza first.
Actually I think Far East Plaza is kind of like the cleaner, and better version of Prangin' Mall here in Penang.
Can get quite a lot of cheap (cheaper anyway) stuff there.
Saw a really cool T-shirt that I felt like buying but didn't. It's quite special, really. Black and white shirts with the word Angel (or Devil, two versions) in a really light color, I think it's baby pink, on the front. And when you're standing under the sunlight or the UV lights (I think so?), then the words will become a hot pink color.
Only $17.
Once I convert it into Malaysian money, I'm like, no way. I don't want to pay that much for such a plain T-shirt, no matter how cool it is. Because it's not like I'm going to wear it under the sunlight. I'd probably be under the roof of my house or a shopping mall.
I think my self-control is really getting better.
And I think I might be a whole new better person!!
We walked to Takashimaya later, and I bought two really pretty notebooks there!! One for myself and one for Jun Fang. Both the notebooks are really cute, but I kept the nicer one for myself.
I told you I'm getting into a better person.
I didn't even lie about keeping the nicer thing for myself instead of giving it to one of my best friends. =P
Actually, truth is, Ee Leng asked me to keep the nicer one for myself.
No, actually, I would have done that even if she didn't ask me to.
I bought my new slippers at the Voxy Nails Salon!!
I LOVE my new slippers. They're from Ripples, and they're very nice!
My new slippers are in a dark brown color that looks like black, and with white and pink flowers and butterflies sewn over it. It's pretty!!
And it's very comfortable, like, sort of velvety and soft.
And it's quite cheap, $15.90, and after you convert it to Malaysian money, it's not TOO expensive either. But I'm not saying it's cheap, because it's not.
Will post a picture of it later.
We were going to do our nails at the Voxy, but then there were too many people. Pooo!!

See what I said about how pretty everything is in Singapore?? Don't ask me what's that because I don't remember.
After quite a bit of shopping (or walking around) Orchard Road, we went back to Far East Plaza again. We did our nails there! I did, anyway. Ee Leng just got her nails trimmed and shaped and all those.
I got a French Manicure.
I'm very happy.
But I just wish it dries faster.
Ohh!! And Ee Leng and I took neoprints!!
It was my first time, OMG. We don't really have the neoprints thingy here in Penang except for Prangin' Mall and the BJ Complex.
Will post a photo of the neoprints later.
Went for dinner at Velocity @ Novena.
Pepper Lunch!!!
Um. Shouldn't it be Pepper Dinner since we're eating dinner??

It's really cool!! You can fry your own dinner. They serve it half-cooked, then you can cook the rest of it yourself. Yum!!
But it's very, very hot.
All the photos' qualities are bad (not that good anyway) because they were taken with a handphone.
This was the day when I was supposed to go home to Penang with my sixth aunt, but, in the end, I stayed on in Singapore!!
I'm still very happy.
* Go Back *
Went to Celine's house in the morning for an advanced-Christmas celebration and a birthday celebration for Donavan.
Christmas presents were given out, Christmas songs were played, even a Christmas log cake was prepared, but, there's just no Christmas feeling. Maybe it's the fact that there's like, one month until Christmas but we're already celebrating?? It just doesn't feel right.

Look at the big and bigger pieces of meat. :P

I don't know why Ee Leng was like, 10000 feet away from You-Know-Who. Maybe she's keeping her distance from all his hydrochloric acids, sulphuric acids, and his nuclear bombs and whatever scientific stuff he's into. Once he start talking, run. It's for your own good.
After the party, or parties anyway, we (Ee Leng and I) went shopping on our own, and the others all went to the Science Center, which is pretty boring, to me anyway. I'm just not that interested in Science stuff. The simple ones, maybe yeah. But all those complicated stuff like those acid acid stuff . . . It's not working with me.
I went to the Science Center before anyway.
Why waste precious shopping time for some boring Science stuff that I'm not interested in??
I prefer to shop for some cute accessories and clothes than walking for 4 hours straight, looking at how people's brains work.
I know I sound like a typical, stupid feather-head girl.
But, whatever!!
Ee Leng and I went to the Far East Plaza first.
Actually I think Far East Plaza is kind of like the cleaner, and better version of Prangin' Mall here in Penang.
Can get quite a lot of cheap (cheaper anyway) stuff there.
Saw a really cool T-shirt that I felt like buying but didn't. It's quite special, really. Black and white shirts with the word Angel (or Devil, two versions) in a really light color, I think it's baby pink, on the front. And when you're standing under the sunlight or the UV lights (I think so?), then the words will become a hot pink color.
Only $17.
Once I convert it into Malaysian money, I'm like, no way. I don't want to pay that much for such a plain T-shirt, no matter how cool it is. Because it's not like I'm going to wear it under the sunlight. I'd probably be under the roof of my house or a shopping mall.
I think my self-control is really getting better.
And I think I might be a whole new better person!!
We walked to Takashimaya later, and I bought two really pretty notebooks there!! One for myself and one for Jun Fang. Both the notebooks are really cute, but I kept the nicer one for myself.
I told you I'm getting into a better person.
I didn't even lie about keeping the nicer thing for myself instead of giving it to one of my best friends. =P
Actually, truth is, Ee Leng asked me to keep the nicer one for myself.
No, actually, I would have done that even if she didn't ask me to.
I bought my new slippers at the Voxy Nails Salon!!
I LOVE my new slippers. They're from Ripples, and they're very nice!
My new slippers are in a dark brown color that looks like black, and with white and pink flowers and butterflies sewn over it. It's pretty!!
And it's very comfortable, like, sort of velvety and soft.
And it's quite cheap, $15.90, and after you convert it to Malaysian money, it's not TOO expensive either. But I'm not saying it's cheap, because it's not.
Will post a picture of it later.
We were going to do our nails at the Voxy, but then there were too many people. Pooo!!

See what I said about how pretty everything is in Singapore?? Don't ask me what's that because I don't remember.
After quite a bit of shopping (or walking around) Orchard Road, we went back to Far East Plaza again. We did our nails there! I did, anyway. Ee Leng just got her nails trimmed and shaped and all those.
I got a French Manicure.
I'm very happy.
But I just wish it dries faster.
Ohh!! And Ee Leng and I took neoprints!!
It was my first time, OMG. We don't really have the neoprints thingy here in Penang except for Prangin' Mall and the BJ Complex.
Will post a photo of the neoprints later.
Went for dinner at Velocity @ Novena.
Pepper Lunch!!!
Um. Shouldn't it be Pepper Dinner since we're eating dinner??

It's really cool!! You can fry your own dinner. They serve it half-cooked, then you can cook the rest of it yourself. Yum!!
But it's very, very hot.
All the photos' qualities are bad (not that good anyway) because they were taken with a handphone.
This was the day when I was supposed to go home to Penang with my sixth aunt, but, in the end, I stayed on in Singapore!!
I'm still very happy.
* Go Back *
♥ craving chocolate kisses ..
10:36 PM
10:36 PM
Singapore : Part 3
25 November 2007
We went to Sentosa today, again, because we didn't really see anything while we were there with the stupid tour group the day before yesterday.
Though I've seen it all before when I was there a few years ago. But still, I'd like to see everything again!! :D
We bought a ticket and went there by the pretty buses I mentioned in one of my previous posts.

Taking photos in the bus. Yeahhh. We were bored.
We went to the Underwater World first. It's quite weird, really. Like, lots of animals "running wild". There were even peacocks on a small piece of grass outside, in the middle of nowhere. No cages, nothing. Just . . . wild.
Actually I took a lot of pictures, but most of them with Celine's camera. She knew mine was spoiled, and she lent me hers. She's very good hor?? =)
But the photos are still with her, though. She was going to burn me a disc with the photos, but we were short of time. Oh well. Never mind.

We can touch some of the smaller fishes and starfishes once we went in. Puffer fishes, tiny sharks, starfishes, etc. I'm holding a starfish, see?? (because it's the only thing I dared to touch) I look weird in this photo, but whatever, the starfish is totally gorgeous, no?

Strange, horrible, tiny, squiggly, worm-like . . . sea-creatures.
Yuck. I hate them. They might look cute, with the Nemo-like (Finding Nemo) orange and white stripes and black eyes. But . . . anything that . . . wriggles and squiggles (whatever squiggles mean), anything that resembles caterpillars, leeches, worms . . . *shudders*

Ugliest fish I've ever seen in my life.
Sorry, Mr. Fish.
My mummy wants me to be an honest girl who doesn't lie, and, to be honest, you really are the ugliest fish I've ever seen.


Different kinds of pretty jellyfishes. No matter how pretty they are, I'm still scared.

I don't know what they're called, but I think the name has something to do with "Angel". They're damn cute, and they're really tiny!! :D

Can see anything???

Dark photo, but the one taken with the flash on just isn't nice, because the fishes, corals and anemones behind cannot be seen clearly.
After the Underwater World, we went to the Dolphin Lagoon to watch the pink dolphins.
Pink dolphins, oh my!!
They sound so pretty and . . . sweet, right?? Imagine a baby pink dolphin, swimming around. Sweet.
They're not really pink, but a pink and grey-blue mixture. They look weird, I have to say. But they're quite adorable!! I wouldn't mind having a pink dolphin (or any kind of dolphin) as a pet, honestly. Although I love pink more than I love blue, I think I still prefer blue dolphins, because they're . . . all blue.



Weee!! Nice pets they'd make. :D
We went to one of the beaches, I don't know which, after the dolphin show. It's the beach nearest to the Dolphin Lagoon. I think it's the Palawan Beach.


The bridge that led to the mini island.

The view from the other side of the mini island. We can see lots of cargo ships from there. Not exactly SuperStar Virgo-pretty ships, but, a magnificent sight all the same. (That's a lie actually because I don't admire ugly things)
We left Sentosa after that, and we went to the Jurong Bird Park by TAXI. Okay, to be honest, that was the first time I took a cab. I like the driver!! He's damn friendly and funny. Heehee.
And to think I was so worried that the driver will kidnap us. Ha ha. Probably because I stayed in Penang for too long, and watched too many taxi-driver-kidnaps-little-girls movies. :P
We were starving when we reached the bird park, so we had dinner at the only restaurant they have there - Bongo Burgers. I kept the Bongo Burgers' dark red colored tissues, as a . . . erm, souvenir?? But goodness knows where I threw it after I came home. Probably thrown into the dustbin by my mum. Oops.
We went and watched the penguins first. They're so cute!! :)


There was one penguin that looked half-dead. All the other penguins swim really fast, but that particular one was like . . . "ERRGGH. *coughs* I'm dying. Wait!! Wait for me." Poor thing. =(

Fake bird statue they put there to trick us. Damn it.
To think we all got tricked.
Blah. It is not funny.
We were so damn stupid lahh!!
Because it is a real birdie. At first glance, we all thought the damned bird was fake. From the side view, it looks quite real. From the front, it just looks so fake. Like a statue. So we all thought it was fake, until it started walking around, and we were like, oh my God!! It's a real bird.
Stupid, stupid us.
The bird looks very . . . cool and . . . like, very cold and dignified. Sort of thing. High-and-mighty. Expressionless. Like it's just . . . not alive. So we were tricked. Pooo!!
The photo above was taken AFTER it moved, so it doesn't look quite as fake anymore.
We went to watch the owls after that. It was super DARK in there, we can barely see a thing.

It's Hedwig!! Harry Potter's pretty snow-white owl.

Gorgeous birds in brilliant red. :D

The Waterfall Aviary. I think it's man-made. Pretty hor??
Anyway, we saw lots of other things, and whatever.
We went home, and Ee Leng and I had a swim in the swimming pool downstairs.
After that, we met Celine and her family, my sixth aunt and her family, and my brother at the Lemon Grass restaurant. Thai food, I think. Personally I hate Thai food, but I have to say that the food there wasn't too bad.
My first impression of Thai food was terrible. The first time I ate it, I immediately feel dizzy and sick.
It was a big and happy dinner. I like Donavan (or however his name's spelled again) and the way he speaks!! Damn cute!! He has a brother Stephen (or however his name's spelled again) who's six years old I think, and, to be honest, they're both quite . . . chubby. Will post a photo we took with them in my next entry. Donavan calls his own brother big piece of meat. Then Celine told him that he's the bigger piece of meat. It's funny how he loves his mango and glutinous rice. :P
We went home (again), and we had a mini celebration (if you call that a celebration) for Ee Leng and I. My birthday is on the 28th of November, and Ee Leng's is on 11th of November. An advance-and-belated-birthday celebration. The cake was truly gorgeous!! Bought it from Swensen's.


Oreo ice cream cake. Look at the strawberries!! It looks like it has icing sugar on it, but actually it was just ice.
We planned to go swimming at night, although we know full well that swimming isn't allowed after 10 o'clock. Shh. But actually, after a while, we got caught by the guard at Ee Leng's house. Ee Leng lied that she doesn't know that swimming isn't allowed after 10 o'clock. :P
Damn the guard. Spoilsport. Can't he see that a birthday celebration's going on????!
We went to the sauna after that. We saw a very, very pretty cat on the way there. Big, and black, with huge round yellow eyes (I think it's yellow, I couldn't make it out because it was dark) It's fur is SO soft!! Damn. I want that cat.
We were just getting comfortable and snug in the sauna, and it was just starting to get a bit hot, when we suddenly heard a door slam.
The first thing we thought of is :
Somebody's going to lock us in!!! We're gonna spend the whole night in the toilet/sauna??!
Turned out that nothing happened.
But after that, we were scared that somebody might lock us in, so we went out after that. Poo. To think I actually thought I can steam off a few pounds in the sauna. Blah.
Anyway, so ends the third day in Singapore.
OMG. I think my seventh aunt's baby is due. She might be having her baby right now!! All her kids are here at my house right now. A day of baby sitting.
Going through hell and two slices of pizza right now.
My cousin is starting her homework stuff with my sister again.
Damn it.
Isn't there anything else they can talk about??
I'd rather they talk about the shit and urine things than homework.
It's the fucking holidays!!!!
* Go Back *
We went to Sentosa today, again, because we didn't really see anything while we were there with the stupid tour group the day before yesterday.
Though I've seen it all before when I was there a few years ago. But still, I'd like to see everything again!! :D
We bought a ticket and went there by the pretty buses I mentioned in one of my previous posts.

Taking photos in the bus. Yeahhh. We were bored.
We went to the Underwater World first. It's quite weird, really. Like, lots of animals "running wild". There were even peacocks on a small piece of grass outside, in the middle of nowhere. No cages, nothing. Just . . . wild.
Actually I took a lot of pictures, but most of them with Celine's camera. She knew mine was spoiled, and she lent me hers. She's very good hor?? =)
But the photos are still with her, though. She was going to burn me a disc with the photos, but we were short of time. Oh well. Never mind.

We can touch some of the smaller fishes and starfishes once we went in. Puffer fishes, tiny sharks, starfishes, etc. I'm holding a starfish, see?? (because it's the only thing I dared to touch) I look weird in this photo, but whatever, the starfish is totally gorgeous, no?

Strange, horrible, tiny, squiggly, worm-like . . . sea-creatures.
Yuck. I hate them. They might look cute, with the Nemo-like (Finding Nemo) orange and white stripes and black eyes. But . . . anything that . . . wriggles and squiggles (whatever squiggles mean), anything that resembles caterpillars, leeches, worms . . . *shudders*

Ugliest fish I've ever seen in my life.
Sorry, Mr. Fish.
My mummy wants me to be an honest girl who doesn't lie, and, to be honest, you really are the ugliest fish I've ever seen.


Different kinds of pretty jellyfishes. No matter how pretty they are, I'm still scared.

I don't know what they're called, but I think the name has something to do with "Angel". They're damn cute, and they're really tiny!! :D

Can see anything???

Dark photo, but the one taken with the flash on just isn't nice, because the fishes, corals and anemones behind cannot be seen clearly.
After the Underwater World, we went to the Dolphin Lagoon to watch the pink dolphins.
Pink dolphins, oh my!!
They sound so pretty and . . . sweet, right?? Imagine a baby pink dolphin, swimming around. Sweet.
They're not really pink, but a pink and grey-blue mixture. They look weird, I have to say. But they're quite adorable!! I wouldn't mind having a pink dolphin (or any kind of dolphin) as a pet, honestly. Although I love pink more than I love blue, I think I still prefer blue dolphins, because they're . . . all blue.



Weee!! Nice pets they'd make. :D
We went to one of the beaches, I don't know which, after the dolphin show. It's the beach nearest to the Dolphin Lagoon. I think it's the Palawan Beach.


The bridge that led to the mini island.

The view from the other side of the mini island. We can see lots of cargo ships from there. Not exactly SuperStar Virgo-pretty ships, but, a magnificent sight all the same. (That's a lie actually because I don't admire ugly things)
We left Sentosa after that, and we went to the Jurong Bird Park by TAXI. Okay, to be honest, that was the first time I took a cab. I like the driver!! He's damn friendly and funny. Heehee.
And to think I was so worried that the driver will kidnap us. Ha ha. Probably because I stayed in Penang for too long, and watched too many taxi-driver-kidnaps-little-girls movies. :P
We were starving when we reached the bird park, so we had dinner at the only restaurant they have there - Bongo Burgers. I kept the Bongo Burgers' dark red colored tissues, as a . . . erm, souvenir?? But goodness knows where I threw it after I came home. Probably thrown into the dustbin by my mum. Oops.
We went and watched the penguins first. They're so cute!! :)


There was one penguin that looked half-dead. All the other penguins swim really fast, but that particular one was like . . . "ERRGGH. *coughs* I'm dying. Wait!! Wait for me." Poor thing. =(

Fake bird statue they put there to trick us. Damn it.
To think we all got tricked.
Blah. It is not funny.
We were so damn stupid lahh!!
Because it is a real birdie. At first glance, we all thought the damned bird was fake. From the side view, it looks quite real. From the front, it just looks so fake. Like a statue. So we all thought it was fake, until it started walking around, and we were like, oh my God!! It's a real bird.
Stupid, stupid us.
The bird looks very . . . cool and . . . like, very cold and dignified. Sort of thing. High-and-mighty. Expressionless. Like it's just . . . not alive. So we were tricked. Pooo!!
The photo above was taken AFTER it moved, so it doesn't look quite as fake anymore.
We went to watch the owls after that. It was super DARK in there, we can barely see a thing.

It's Hedwig!! Harry Potter's pretty snow-white owl.

Gorgeous birds in brilliant red. :D

The Waterfall Aviary. I think it's man-made. Pretty hor??
Anyway, we saw lots of other things, and whatever.
We went home, and Ee Leng and I had a swim in the swimming pool downstairs.
After that, we met Celine and her family, my sixth aunt and her family, and my brother at the Lemon Grass restaurant. Thai food, I think. Personally I hate Thai food, but I have to say that the food there wasn't too bad.
My first impression of Thai food was terrible. The first time I ate it, I immediately feel dizzy and sick.
It was a big and happy dinner. I like Donavan (or however his name's spelled again) and the way he speaks!! Damn cute!! He has a brother Stephen (or however his name's spelled again) who's six years old I think, and, to be honest, they're both quite . . . chubby. Will post a photo we took with them in my next entry. Donavan calls his own brother big piece of meat. Then Celine told him that he's the bigger piece of meat. It's funny how he loves his mango and glutinous rice. :P
We went home (again), and we had a mini celebration (if you call that a celebration) for Ee Leng and I. My birthday is on the 28th of November, and Ee Leng's is on 11th of November. An advance-and-belated-birthday celebration. The cake was truly gorgeous!! Bought it from Swensen's.


Oreo ice cream cake. Look at the strawberries!! It looks like it has icing sugar on it, but actually it was just ice.
We planned to go swimming at night, although we know full well that swimming isn't allowed after 10 o'clock. Shh. But actually, after a while, we got caught by the guard at Ee Leng's house. Ee Leng lied that she doesn't know that swimming isn't allowed after 10 o'clock. :P
Damn the guard. Spoilsport. Can't he see that a birthday celebration's going on????!
We went to the sauna after that. We saw a very, very pretty cat on the way there. Big, and black, with huge round yellow eyes (I think it's yellow, I couldn't make it out because it was dark) It's fur is SO soft!! Damn. I want that cat.
We were just getting comfortable and snug in the sauna, and it was just starting to get a bit hot, when we suddenly heard a door slam.
The first thing we thought of is :
Somebody's going to lock us in!!! We're gonna spend the whole night in the toilet/sauna??!
Turned out that nothing happened.
But after that, we were scared that somebody might lock us in, so we went out after that. Poo. To think I actually thought I can steam off a few pounds in the sauna. Blah.
Anyway, so ends the third day in Singapore.
OMG. I think my seventh aunt's baby is due. She might be having her baby right now!! All her kids are here at my house right now. A day of baby sitting.
Going through hell and two slices of pizza right now.
My cousin is starting her homework stuff with my sister again.
Damn it.
Isn't there anything else they can talk about??
I'd rather they talk about the shit and urine things than homework.
It's the fucking holidays!!!!
* Go Back *
♥ craving chocolate kisses ..
1:41 PM
1:41 PM