♥ Monday, October 26, 2009 ♥
Tagged :)
26 October 2009
Tagged by Wen Yuan!!
Now, a few disclaimers :
a) I seldom do tags. Because I'm lazy like that. So, Wen Yuan, be honoured I chose to do yours! Haha.
b) Not that it's important, but I think this is the second time Chinese words appear on my blog. Browse (and die doing so) through my archives and see! Hahaha. I still remember : I was declaring my love for "ban3 mian4" the last time.
c) I spent ages doing this tag! Because it's in Chinese. Worse still, it's TRADITIONAL Chinese. (or do you even call them that?) And I typed all sorts of long and ridiculous answers. Hah.
4)不可以不寫喔,不寫幸福就會跑掉喔!! (let it run! Like I care. :P)
1.我的大名: Tan Juan Mushroom Sera Blue Lumpy
2.我的生日: 33th November
3. 谁传给你的: Koko Krunch
4.說出五個好朋友: Nutty, Giggles, Petunia, Flippy, Cuddles
- The Possible : Just an awesome day spent with friends. (This is so fake haha I have to stop pretending that I don't want any presents)
- The Impossible : An RM100,000 (better yet, in pounds) shopping spree on Fifth Avenue, NYC. Or Paris. Milan. You know. *rolls eyes*
6.近期開心的是: Who said I'm happy?
7.近期壓力大的是: Finals, uggh.
8.未來想做什麼: Designer of modern, high-efficiency toilet bowls.
9.有沒有喜歡的人: Unfortunately, yes.
10.同學會要回去找老師嗎: Teachers the likes of Puan Chia? Hell yes.
11.跟誰出去最幸福: Friends.
12.如果你的兩個好友吵架了: If it's not too serious I'll just ignore them and wait for the storm to pass. If it's too serious, I'll ignore them and wait for the storm to pass anyway. Don't wanna make things worse. Ha-ha.
13.跟情人出去最想去哪: Uh, doesn't really matter I guess.
14.聖誕節要做啥: Does that mean what I want to do during Christmas? (Dang I hate Chinese) I guess I wanna celebrate it, you know : yummy food, bubbly champage, twinkling lights, helping Santa out of the chimney (he was stuck)(if only I had a chimney), red-nosed reindeers, big presents wrapped in colourful bows, a magnificent tree ...
15.最想跟誰過聖誕節: Friends and family.
16.有沒有起床气: Like Wen Yuan's "meaningful" quote : "Apa itu?"
17.有幾個兄弟姐妹: 27
18.最喜歡的一首歌 (女生的): Unable to answer this.
19.最喜歡的一首歌 (男生的): Unable to answer this.
20.喜歡什麼顏色: Turquoise. Pink. Purple. Rainbow colours. Hahaha.
21.上廁所會不會先沖水: Oh yes, Iris would disapprove if I didn't~ Ahem. Inside joke. *snorts*
22.愛不愛我: You or me? If it's me, then of course I do. And you know you do, too. :)
23.喜歡男生還是女生: Unable to answer this.
25.半夜敢不敢自己上廁所: God, no. I live in Halloween Town (from Nightmare Before Christmas). Someone hides beneath my bed! Eeee.
26.上廁所會不會脫褲褲: No. No no no. I pee through my (imaginary) La Perlas all the time.
27.誰很欠打: Myself. For being so stupid.
28.現在很迷什麼: *nonchalant shrug*
29.睡相很差: Uh. Shit. I HATE CHINESE I HATE CHINESE I HATE CHINESE. Does it mean do I look horrid when I sleep? What?! If that's the case, answer is no. I look positively ANGELIC when I sleep. I know because there's a CCTV in my room.
30.現在的時間: 2.04 a.m.
31.是否痛恨傳給你點卷的人: OF COURSE! Hahaha. xD
32.體重多少: 400 pounds
33.今天天氣: Uh. The first two hours of the day? Stormy. :S
34.你懷孕了嗎: *gasps* Yes. With triplets. I have no idea who the dad is, because I'm a whore. Boo.
35.你若中樂透最想做什么: I'll skip this question.
36.大學生一定要玩的活動: Sex? HAHAHA. No. Nooo. Frisbee. Maybe. I wouldn't know.
37.如果能為彩虹添加一種顏色 你選:Turquoise? Pink? Lalala.
38.你覺得友情是真心的么: Uhhh. Depends.
39. 最爱浏览的网站:Porno websites. Haaaaah.
I tag no one.
(OMG I totally think I'm very cool or something by saying that, don't I? Hahaha.)
Okay. I just received the most disturbing and upsetting news ever. Sigh. I'm half dead already. Arrgh. I don't want to think about it, but I can't help it. I need help, seriously. :(
Cried quite a bit yesterday. Cried, because the sight of the seniors crying and embracing each other was truly touching. Cried, because I realise that they really and truly are leaving. Cried, because I know I'll be experiencing the very same feeling next year. Cried, for their hugs. Cried, for crying over the disturbing piece of news mentioned above.
I'm exhausted. Finished studying Chapters 6-8 for History. It's too late. I don't have enough time. I can't concentrate. HELP ME.
Tagged by Wen Yuan!!
Now, a few disclaimers :
a) I seldom do tags. Because I'm lazy like that. So, Wen Yuan, be honoured I chose to do yours! Haha.
b) Not that it's important, but I think this is the second time Chinese words appear on my blog. Browse (and die doing so) through my archives and see! Hahaha. I still remember : I was declaring my love for "ban3 mian4" the last time.
c) I spent ages doing this tag! Because it's in Chinese. Worse still, it's TRADITIONAL Chinese. (or do you even call them that?) And I typed all sorts of long and ridiculous answers. Hah.
4)不可以不寫喔,不寫幸福就會跑掉喔!! (let it run! Like I care. :P)
1.我的大名: Tan Juan Mushroom Sera Blue Lumpy
2.我的生日: 33th November
3. 谁传给你的: Koko Krunch
4.說出五個好朋友: Nutty, Giggles, Petunia, Flippy, Cuddles
- The Possible : Just an awesome day spent with friends. (This is so fake haha I have to stop pretending that I don't want any presents)
- The Impossible : An RM100,000 (better yet, in pounds) shopping spree on Fifth Avenue, NYC. Or Paris. Milan. You know. *rolls eyes*
6.近期開心的是: Who said I'm happy?
7.近期壓力大的是: Finals, uggh.
8.未來想做什麼: Designer of modern, high-efficiency toilet bowls.
9.有沒有喜歡的人: Unfortunately, yes.
10.同學會要回去找老師嗎: Teachers the likes of Puan Chia? Hell yes.
11.跟誰出去最幸福: Friends.
12.如果你的兩個好友吵架了: If it's not too serious I'll just ignore them and wait for the storm to pass. If it's too serious, I'll ignore them and wait for the storm to pass anyway. Don't wanna make things worse. Ha-ha.
13.跟情人出去最想去哪: Uh, doesn't really matter I guess.
14.聖誕節要做啥: Does that mean what I want to do during Christmas? (Dang I hate Chinese) I guess I wanna celebrate it, you know : yummy food, bubbly champage, twinkling lights, helping Santa out of the chimney (he was stuck)(if only I had a chimney), red-nosed reindeers, big presents wrapped in colourful bows, a magnificent tree ...
15.最想跟誰過聖誕節: Friends and family.
16.有沒有起床气: Like Wen Yuan's "meaningful" quote : "Apa itu?"
17.有幾個兄弟姐妹: 27
18.最喜歡的一首歌 (女生的): Unable to answer this.
19.最喜歡的一首歌 (男生的): Unable to answer this.
20.喜歡什麼顏色: Turquoise. Pink. Purple. Rainbow colours. Hahaha.
21.上廁所會不會先沖水: Oh yes, Iris would disapprove if I didn't~ Ahem. Inside joke. *snorts*
22.愛不愛我: You or me? If it's me, then of course I do. And you know you do, too. :)
23.喜歡男生還是女生: Unable to answer this.
25.半夜敢不敢自己上廁所: God, no. I live in Halloween Town (from Nightmare Before Christmas). Someone hides beneath my bed! Eeee.
26.上廁所會不會脫褲褲: No. No no no. I pee through my (imaginary) La Perlas all the time.
27.誰很欠打: Myself. For being so stupid.
28.現在很迷什麼: *nonchalant shrug*
29.睡相很差: Uh. Shit. I HATE CHINESE I HATE CHINESE I HATE CHINESE. Does it mean do I look horrid when I sleep? What?! If that's the case, answer is no. I look positively ANGELIC when I sleep. I know because there's a CCTV in my room.
30.現在的時間: 2.04 a.m.
31.是否痛恨傳給你點卷的人: OF COURSE! Hahaha. xD
32.體重多少: 400 pounds
33.今天天氣: Uh. The first two hours of the day? Stormy. :S
34.你懷孕了嗎: *gasps* Yes. With triplets. I have no idea who the dad is, because I'm a whore. Boo.
35.你若中樂透最想做什么: I'll skip this question.
36.大學生一定要玩的活動: Sex? HAHAHA. No. Nooo. Frisbee. Maybe. I wouldn't know.
37.如果能為彩虹添加一種顏色 你選:Turquoise? Pink? Lalala.
38.你覺得友情是真心的么: Uhhh. Depends.
39. 最爱浏览的网站:Porno websites. Haaaaah.
I tag no one.
(OMG I totally think I'm very cool or something by saying that, don't I? Hahaha.)
Okay. I just received the most disturbing and upsetting news ever. Sigh. I'm half dead already. Arrgh. I don't want to think about it, but I can't help it. I need help, seriously. :(
Cried quite a bit yesterday. Cried, because the sight of the seniors crying and embracing each other was truly touching. Cried, because I realise that they really and truly are leaving. Cried, because I know I'll be experiencing the very same feeling next year. Cried, for their hugs. Cried, for crying over the disturbing piece of news mentioned above.
I'm exhausted. Finished studying Chapters 6-8 for History. It's too late. I don't have enough time. I can't concentrate. HELP ME.
♥ craving chocolate kisses ..
1:25 AM
1:25 AM
♥ Wednesday, October 21, 2009 ♥
Little Girl Lost
21 October 2009
Not in the mood to study. Then again, when was I ever in the mood to study?
I'm so distracted right now. What with the school's Speech Day coming up, the approaching exams, a mini performance three days before the finals, etc ...
I hope Chiew Na and Hsieh Ying can make it! I'm not sure if my parents approve or not. The many times I brought up the subject, they didn't give signs of disapproval. Which is good. But then they didn't exactly give a sign that they heard what I said either. So ... well, who cares. I'll just take that as a yes.
It was heartwrenching, the look on his face when we told him we might not be able to make it. I mean. We were so enthusiastic about it, and now all the uncertainty? Yeah. I would be upset (and not to mention, pissed) too if people treated me like that.
I really don't see the point to have a blog anymore. (it's okay, I'm not closing down my blog or anything, not that I think anyone actually gives a damn) I seldom update about random stuff, as in, random stuff with photos, anymore. I upload most of the photos in Facebook, and it seems sort of lame to post them again in my blog. There are some I didn't upload in Facebook, and I vowed to post them here as soon as I'm free, but in the end, I didn't. Sigh, I'm lousy like that.
I (kind of) see my blog as a 'person' I can confide in, since I seldom - which translates to : NEVER - really tell anybody how I feel inside. Right, I'm sure everyone can tell how I feel by judging on my facial expressions.
My friends might know how I am feeling - furious, sad, mirthful, etc - they just don't know why. And I never tell them. I'd very much like to do so, I just can't bring myself to do it. Everytime the words are on the tip of my tongue, alarms start to ring in my head, making me think twice. Should I really tell them? It's not that I don't trust them or that I think they'd treat me differently once I tell them the truth. It's just ... I don't think it's normal. I'm scared of ruining things.
Okay, maybe I'm just scared they'll think I'm pathetic. Uhm, maybe not pathetic, exactly. Mad, perhaps. Or ... I don't know how to say it. I'm sure you'll find it hard to tell them if it's you, too. I can't even describe the situation with "substitutes" like ...
Oh, I hate this dish of ... uh, escargots and would prefer to have oysters instead, but my parents are forcing me to eat them.
Which (TO ME) means that oh, I hate this escargotty-guy and am in love with this oyster (guy) instead but my parents are forcing me to marry that escargotty-guy.
Something like that. If you get what I mean.
I can't describe it because I think it's not that hard to figure it out, and I'm sure people will find out in like, ten seconds after reading the situation. They might not know who I'm talking about, but I think my friends (and the person I'm talking about) would know. So ... no. I can't say it.
I admire her (sigh, I can't say her name, which is precisely why I don't think there's any point in having a blog anymore) for her ability to tell people about how she feels - about stuff, about people. She's so ... bold. Arrgh why can't I be more like her? WHY?
Hmm, some people told me they find if hard to read my blog. Because I type in paragraphs, and there are so many words. That's exactly how I feel every time I visit THEIR blogs. Which are in Chinese, uggh. Headache.
I neeeeed a diary. Tell me where I can find nice ones! Ones that I would be .. uhm ... "wildly attracted" to and can't get past a day without writing in. Which, in other words, which I already mentioned above (which means that I did not have to write the "wildly attracted" to part. Or these in the bracket.) are NICE. Wow, I think I'm starting to get crazy (ier).
My brackets are annoying, I know. Must be the pressure from the coming finals. I keep glancing at the clock. Thinking, okay, I'm gonna start studying at 9 p.m. What time is it now? 10 p.m. I'm awesome! I know I'm doomed now (TRADITION! YAY!), but instead of trying to catch up right now, I'm still daydreaming about stuff that would never ever happen.
Why am I so dumb? Conflicts. I want ... escargots. But ... uh, I'm scared of hurting the poor oyster's feelings by not eating them. (To be honest, I hate both. Eew. Not that I have had the nerve to try them anyway. Looks too yucky. Maybe when I'm older and not too childish to judge things by their appearances.)
I want to tell someone! I don't want to keep it all inside anymore. But who to tell? Must be a person who doesn't know the people I'm going to talk about. It's better that way, I think. At least it won't be quite as awkward.
So ... I guess it's YL. I was sighing and wailing that day, so she asked what's wrong. Instead of telling her the truth, I told her I'm pregnant. Ha-ha. Never mind, it's a start.
I hate studying. Why, why did I ever choose Science over Art? I must be nuts. *shakes head wildly* I don't think I'd be very happy in the art stream either but at least I won't be this ... uh, stressed. This pressured. So many subjects (which I totally have no interest what-so-ever in, which you already know) to study, so many different types of things to memorise. Sheer torture.
I told my mom I'm giving up on Physics and Add Maths. The subjects she teaches! I'm such a cool daughter.
Okay. I really have to go study now. Even if I don't care that much anymore, my parents do. At least, I THINK they do. My dad already knows how much I dislike Science and how much I suck in Math. And my mom knows that I hate the subjects she likes. But I still think they care.
I am so irritating. Boo. And I'm not making much sense - as usual. Because I'm still dwelling on the escargots-and-oysters thoughts. Not nice.
I feel so lost. Just like a little girl. Who isn't really little anymore. It's awful. :(
P.S./ A kiss for the person who counts how many times I used the words "which, just, and __ (you tell me)". There is no correct answer. Hahaha. Sorry. Shut up.
Not in the mood to study. Then again, when was I ever in the mood to study?
I'm so distracted right now. What with the school's Speech Day coming up, the approaching exams, a mini performance three days before the finals, etc ...
I hope Chiew Na and Hsieh Ying can make it! I'm not sure if my parents approve or not. The many times I brought up the subject, they didn't give signs of disapproval. Which is good. But then they didn't exactly give a sign that they heard what I said either. So ... well, who cares. I'll just take that as a yes.
It was heartwrenching, the look on his face when we told him we might not be able to make it. I mean. We were so enthusiastic about it, and now all the uncertainty? Yeah. I would be upset (and not to mention, pissed) too if people treated me like that.
I really don't see the point to have a blog anymore. (it's okay, I'm not closing down my blog or anything, not that I think anyone actually gives a damn) I seldom update about random stuff, as in, random stuff with photos, anymore. I upload most of the photos in Facebook, and it seems sort of lame to post them again in my blog. There are some I didn't upload in Facebook, and I vowed to post them here as soon as I'm free, but in the end, I didn't. Sigh, I'm lousy like that.
I (kind of) see my blog as a 'person' I can confide in, since I seldom - which translates to : NEVER - really tell anybody how I feel inside. Right, I'm sure everyone can tell how I feel by judging on my facial expressions.
My friends might know how I am feeling - furious, sad, mirthful, etc - they just don't know why. And I never tell them. I'd very much like to do so, I just can't bring myself to do it. Everytime the words are on the tip of my tongue, alarms start to ring in my head, making me think twice. Should I really tell them? It's not that I don't trust them or that I think they'd treat me differently once I tell them the truth. It's just ... I don't think it's normal. I'm scared of ruining things.
Okay, maybe I'm just scared they'll think I'm pathetic. Uhm, maybe not pathetic, exactly. Mad, perhaps. Or ... I don't know how to say it. I'm sure you'll find it hard to tell them if it's you, too. I can't even describe the situation with "substitutes" like ...
Oh, I hate this dish of ... uh, escargots and would prefer to have oysters instead, but my parents are forcing me to eat them.
Which (TO ME) means that oh, I hate this escargotty-guy and am in love with this oyster (guy) instead but my parents are forcing me to marry that escargotty-guy.
Something like that. If you get what I mean.
I can't describe it because I think it's not that hard to figure it out, and I'm sure people will find out in like, ten seconds after reading the situation. They might not know who I'm talking about, but I think my friends (and the person I'm talking about) would know. So ... no. I can't say it.
I admire her (sigh, I can't say her name, which is precisely why I don't think there's any point in having a blog anymore) for her ability to tell people about how she feels - about stuff, about people. She's so ... bold. Arrgh why can't I be more like her? WHY?
Hmm, some people told me they find if hard to read my blog. Because I type in paragraphs, and there are so many words. That's exactly how I feel every time I visit THEIR blogs. Which are in Chinese, uggh. Headache.
I neeeeed a diary. Tell me where I can find nice ones! Ones that I would be .. uhm ... "wildly attracted" to and can't get past a day without writing in. Which, in other words, which I already mentioned above (which means that I did not have to write the "wildly attracted" to part. Or these in the bracket.) are NICE. Wow, I think I'm starting to get crazy (ier).
My brackets are annoying, I know. Must be the pressure from the coming finals. I keep glancing at the clock. Thinking, okay, I'm gonna start studying at 9 p.m. What time is it now? 10 p.m. I'm awesome! I know I'm doomed now (TRADITION! YAY!), but instead of trying to catch up right now, I'm still daydreaming about stuff that would never ever happen.
Why am I so dumb? Conflicts. I want ... escargots. But ... uh, I'm scared of hurting the poor oyster's feelings by not eating them. (To be honest, I hate both. Eew. Not that I have had the nerve to try them anyway. Looks too yucky. Maybe when I'm older and not too childish to judge things by their appearances.)
I want to tell someone! I don't want to keep it all inside anymore. But who to tell? Must be a person who doesn't know the people I'm going to talk about. It's better that way, I think. At least it won't be quite as awkward.
So ... I guess it's YL. I was sighing and wailing that day, so she asked what's wrong. Instead of telling her the truth, I told her I'm pregnant. Ha-ha. Never mind, it's a start.
I hate studying. Why, why did I ever choose Science over Art? I must be nuts. *shakes head wildly* I don't think I'd be very happy in the art stream either but at least I won't be this ... uh, stressed. This pressured. So many subjects (which I totally have no interest what-so-ever in, which you already know) to study, so many different types of things to memorise. Sheer torture.
I told my mom I'm giving up on Physics and Add Maths. The subjects she teaches! I'm such a cool daughter.
Okay. I really have to go study now. Even if I don't care that much anymore, my parents do. At least, I THINK they do. My dad already knows how much I dislike Science and how much I suck in Math. And my mom knows that I hate the subjects she likes. But I still think they care.
I am so irritating. Boo. And I'm not making much sense - as usual. Because I'm still dwelling on the escargots-and-oysters thoughts. Not nice.
I feel so lost. Just like a little girl. Who isn't really little anymore. It's awful. :(
P.S./ A kiss for the person who counts how many times I used the words "which, just, and __ (you tell me)". There is no correct answer. Hahaha. Sorry. Shut up.
♥ craving chocolate kisses ..
9:11 PM
9:11 PM
♥ Thursday, October 15, 2009 ♥
Bubbles and Stairs
15 October 2009
God, the thought is really depressing.
My BLOG is becoming depressing.
Sometimes things go so well. Too well, even. One moment I'm floating away in a glorious, shimmering bubble, and the next second, as if pricked by a needle, the bubble bursts, and I fall to the ground, fall back to reality, hard.
I find it so hard to accept the truth.
I tried to make myself stop believing, to stop hoping. Every time I thought I was close to succeeding, things changed. It changed. Or maybe I did.
I was this close to grasping the door handle at the top of the stairs - the door that would lead me to a whole new world, a world with less misery - when it appeared, and I slipped. I fell to the bottom, and I had to start climbing again.
I have to go through that door somehow.
I feel sick. I feel sick at my own peculiar behaviour. I feel sick at myself for holding on to things that don't really matter. I am sick of my emotions. I am sick of wasting my time. I'm sick of caring. If only I could not care.
I don't want to see it happening. I mean, right. It's not like I don't know what it's like. But still, I feel nauseous watching it. Those awful moments spread before me. I can't avoid it. I can't prevent it from happening.
What to do, what to do.
The finals are imminent. In two weeks or so. I should start studying now, even though it's already too late. The year is coming to an end. What will the future bring? Who knows? I think I really won't be in the same class as Rui Mei anymore! After 3 years. It's a horrid thought.
I should strive to get better results so that we can still be in the same class. But I just don't understand why I'm still not doing anything, just sitting here and expressing my feelings, whining about life.
I feel so old. In a year I'll be graduating. I'd be leaving the school, gladly, of course, but I'd also be leaving my friends. I was chatting with YL about this on Wednesday. It was just so nice to finally get to talk to her properly and not just hellos and goodbyes.
Okay, maybe not exactly properly, since I kept having these niggling worries that someone was going to barge in and I would get caught. Yes, I'm a scaredy cat like that. *rolls eyes*
Boo. I'm going to bed. Juan Wen told me I look exhausted (okay, she said tired, but exhausted sounds more dramatic, ha-ha), which I totally am. I have to go to school at 9 something tomorrow, for a meeting. Damn. Why can't they hold meetings during classes? Why?
I'll try not to think too much about it. I'll try to think about happy times, like the end-of-year holidays, which are rapidly approaching.
P.S./ Great. Rui Mei just told me she doesn't want to go to school tomorrow (doesn't necessarily mean that she ISN'T going, it's hard to tell with her). She wants to use up her letters. I would too, if I'm allowed to. Sadly, I'm not. Luckily Iris is going.
God, the thought is really depressing.
My BLOG is becoming depressing.
Sometimes things go so well. Too well, even. One moment I'm floating away in a glorious, shimmering bubble, and the next second, as if pricked by a needle, the bubble bursts, and I fall to the ground, fall back to reality, hard.
I find it so hard to accept the truth.
I tried to make myself stop believing, to stop hoping. Every time I thought I was close to succeeding, things changed. It changed. Or maybe I did.
I was this close to grasping the door handle at the top of the stairs - the door that would lead me to a whole new world, a world with less misery - when it appeared, and I slipped. I fell to the bottom, and I had to start climbing again.
I have to go through that door somehow.
I feel sick. I feel sick at my own peculiar behaviour. I feel sick at myself for holding on to things that don't really matter. I am sick of my emotions. I am sick of wasting my time. I'm sick of caring. If only I could not care.
I don't want to see it happening. I mean, right. It's not like I don't know what it's like. But still, I feel nauseous watching it. Those awful moments spread before me. I can't avoid it. I can't prevent it from happening.
What to do, what to do.
The finals are imminent. In two weeks or so. I should start studying now, even though it's already too late. The year is coming to an end. What will the future bring? Who knows? I think I really won't be in the same class as Rui Mei anymore! After 3 years. It's a horrid thought.
I should strive to get better results so that we can still be in the same class. But I just don't understand why I'm still not doing anything, just sitting here and expressing my feelings, whining about life.
I feel so old. In a year I'll be graduating. I'd be leaving the school, gladly, of course, but I'd also be leaving my friends. I was chatting with YL about this on Wednesday. It was just so nice to finally get to talk to her properly and not just hellos and goodbyes.
Okay, maybe not exactly properly, since I kept having these niggling worries that someone was going to barge in and I would get caught. Yes, I'm a scaredy cat like that. *rolls eyes*
Boo. I'm going to bed. Juan Wen told me I look exhausted (okay, she said tired, but exhausted sounds more dramatic, ha-ha), which I totally am. I have to go to school at 9 something tomorrow, for a meeting. Damn. Why can't they hold meetings during classes? Why?
I'll try not to think too much about it. I'll try to think about happy times, like the end-of-year holidays, which are rapidly approaching.
P.S./ Great. Rui Mei just told me she doesn't want to go to school tomorrow (doesn't necessarily mean that she ISN'T going, it's hard to tell with her). She wants to use up her letters. I would too, if I'm allowed to. Sadly, I'm not. Luckily Iris is going.
♥ craving chocolate kisses ..
11:23 PM
11:23 PM
♥ Sunday, October 11, 2009 ♥
Turquoise Waters ♥
11 October 2009
So! Today, I'm going to post the photos my parents took in Jiuzhaigou, China. It seems pointless, I know, since it wasn't even me who went there. And I have nothing much to say except that the scenery is breathtaking, which, yeah, I have already said thousands of times. Yawn.

Look! A panda! Chewing on bamboo. So cute. SO CUTE!
Although I have no idea why it is burnt such a rich chocolate-brown colour at the ... uh, bottom. Naughty, naughty. Must have stayed in the sun too long. =P

Red ... raccoon?
God, this sucks. I don't even know what that is.

Somewhere amidst the clouds stands acastle made of white stone temple ... At least, that's what I think it is.
Please, don't believe a single thing I say in this entry. Except for my asking you not to believe a single thing I say in this entry.

"When will my reflection show who I am inside?"
Just look at the reflection. Can you imagine how still the water must have been?
Or maybe it had nothing to do with the calmness of the waters. Uhm. Shit. I should shut up now.

Okay. This photo reminds me of Twilight.
Don't get me wrong or anything, I'm not a big fan of Twilight. In fact, I hated the movie. And now everyone is going to hate me for hating the movie. To be honest, I just had too great an expectation for the movie after reading the book and finding it quite interesting. Who knew.
I disliked every part of the movie except for the baseball part and after.
So. There was this scene where Edward too Bella to the top of the tree. And the photo above reminds me of that scene. Hmm.

Magnificent, eh?
I love the last photo. The mountains and puffy clouds, reflected on the smooth surface of the water, which is a lovely combination of green and blue.

Isn't it gorgeous? Crystal-clear turquoise waters.
Now I know the best place to commit suicide if I ever want to do so!
Uh. Okay. Maybe not. Sinking or floating, everyone would be able to see my body! Eeee!
Everything just exuded this pleasant, calm serenity, which ... uhm, soothes the mind. Which in turn explains how I suddenly thought about committing suicide. Which doesn't make sense. Hahaha. I am irritating, ain't I?
I'm a bit puzzled myself. I have no idea why I'm acting this way. Too much caffeine? Maybe. Except that I didn't drink any coffee or anything.

There. My favourite photo of the bunch!
The snow-capped mountains etched against the blue, blue sky ; the leafless twigs swaying in the wind (crap) ; the dark, velvety green conifer trees ; and the frothy waterfall flowing over the huge rocks, like a bridal veil.
God, I really need to learn how to describe things. Especially things like sunsets. Waves crashing against rocks. Etc.
Which reminds me. Descriptive essay - describe a live sporting event which you witnessed. Given to us like 28 light-years ago. And I still haven't done it. Hahaha. Some things never change.

I love the above photos too! So nice. The weather looks awesome! I have a feeling it was sunny - gloriously, pleasantly warm - and yet cool.
"I've got a feeling, whoooo .."

Words fail me at the moment.
What can I say about the above? Hmm. It's all natural. Not man-made or anything. Which is plain ... splendid.
Pools of water, all of almost the same colour, in different shades and hues ...
Apparently this is only the middle part of the whole ... thing. Maybe it's like a whole mountain of water, and the above is just the middle part of the "mountain". My mom said my dad was the only one who managed to reach the top in two hours, and my dad said that the pools there are even more amazing, even more picturesque than the middle ones.
He said the pools are of the colours of a rainbow. Which is pretty hard to believe. I mean! Pink? Purple? Unlikely right. But still. I can just imagine how magnificent it must be. No photos because the camera was with my mom, and it didn't occur to either of them to let my father take the camera with him to the top.
Which is fine, really. I don't think my father knows how to work the camera anyway. AND he probably doesn't know how to find a nice angle. I'm not being mean here, it's the truth!

Last photo!
Uh, see? I told you not to believe anything I said in this post. The "I have nothing much to say" part is a load of bollocks, as you can see. Hahaha.
Right. I have to go to bed now. Going to school early tomorrow. I mean, later today.
Happy Birthday, Car-Men!
Wait for my kiss! Uggh. :P
So! Today, I'm going to post the photos my parents took in Jiuzhaigou, China. It seems pointless, I know, since it wasn't even me who went there. And I have nothing much to say except that the scenery is breathtaking, which, yeah, I have already said thousands of times. Yawn.

Look! A panda! Chewing on bamboo. So cute. SO CUTE!
Although I have no idea why it is burnt such a rich chocolate-brown colour at the ... uh, bottom. Naughty, naughty. Must have stayed in the sun too long. =P

Red ... raccoon?
God, this sucks. I don't even know what that is.

Somewhere amidst the clouds stands a
Please, don't believe a single thing I say in this entry. Except for my asking you not to believe a single thing I say in this entry.

"When will my reflection show who I am inside?"
Just look at the reflection. Can you imagine how still the water must have been?
Or maybe it had nothing to do with the calmness of the waters. Uhm. Shit. I should shut up now.

Okay. This photo reminds me of Twilight.
Don't get me wrong or anything, I'm not a big fan of Twilight. In fact, I hated the movie. And now everyone is going to hate me for hating the movie. To be honest, I just had too great an expectation for the movie after reading the book and finding it quite interesting. Who knew.
I disliked every part of the movie except for the baseball part and after.
So. There was this scene where Edward too Bella to the top of the tree. And the photo above reminds me of that scene. Hmm.

Magnificent, eh?
I love the last photo. The mountains and puffy clouds, reflected on the smooth surface of the water, which is a lovely combination of green and blue.

Isn't it gorgeous? Crystal-clear turquoise waters.
Now I know the best place to commit suicide if I ever want to do so!
Uh. Okay. Maybe not. Sinking or floating, everyone would be able to see my body! Eeee!
Everything just exuded this pleasant, calm serenity, which ... uhm, soothes the mind. Which in turn explains how I suddenly thought about committing suicide. Which doesn't make sense. Hahaha. I am irritating, ain't I?
I'm a bit puzzled myself. I have no idea why I'm acting this way. Too much caffeine? Maybe. Except that I didn't drink any coffee or anything.

There. My favourite photo of the bunch!
The snow-capped mountains etched against the blue, blue sky ; the leafless twigs swaying in the wind (crap) ; the dark, velvety green conifer trees ; and the frothy waterfall flowing over the huge rocks, like a bridal veil.
God, I really need to learn how to describe things. Especially things like sunsets. Waves crashing against rocks. Etc.
Which reminds me. Descriptive essay - describe a live sporting event which you witnessed. Given to us like 28 light-years ago. And I still haven't done it. Hahaha. Some things never change.

I love the above photos too! So nice. The weather looks awesome! I have a feeling it was sunny - gloriously, pleasantly warm - and yet cool.
"I've got a feeling, whoooo .."

Words fail me at the moment.
What can I say about the above? Hmm. It's all natural. Not man-made or anything. Which is plain ... splendid.
Pools of water, all of almost the same colour, in different shades and hues ...
Apparently this is only the middle part of the whole ... thing. Maybe it's like a whole mountain of water, and the above is just the middle part of the "mountain". My mom said my dad was the only one who managed to reach the top in two hours, and my dad said that the pools there are even more amazing, even more picturesque than the middle ones.
He said the pools are of the colours of a rainbow. Which is pretty hard to believe. I mean! Pink? Purple? Unlikely right. But still. I can just imagine how magnificent it must be. No photos because the camera was with my mom, and it didn't occur to either of them to let my father take the camera with him to the top.
Which is fine, really. I don't think my father knows how to work the camera anyway. AND he probably doesn't know how to find a nice angle. I'm not being mean here, it's the truth!

Last photo!
Uh, see? I told you not to believe anything I said in this post. The "I have nothing much to say" part is a load of bollocks, as you can see. Hahaha.
Right. I have to go to bed now. Going to school early tomorrow. I mean, later today.
Happy Birthday, Car-Men!
Wait for my kiss! Uggh. :P
♥ craving chocolate kisses ..
9:47 PM
9:47 PM
♥ Monday, October 05, 2009 ♥
5 October 2009
Sorry, no photos yet. *guilty smile*
I'm exhausted, and I'm hungry. I want to sleep, but I have (want) to finish this post first.
We had fun playing with the drums at school today! It was exhilarating. And funny! Hahaha.
I shall not forget! She owes all of us drinks for her lack of self-confidence! Poor thing. Ahem. It wasn't my idea. It was NOT.
So. What to say.
I spent the whole weekend watching the three Lord of the Rings movie (AGAIN! Yes, I'm crazy.) with my mom. Haha. Samwise Gamgee! Exactly what a friend should be like. Cough. Take notes, people.
"I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you." ♥
I honestly planned to start studying 3 days ago, which was exactly one month to the finals. Now, I plan to start studying when it's 3 weeks to the exam. Hopefully I'll stick to that plan.
I hate myself FOR hating myself because I care too much. It's not like I can help it anyway. If I can, I wouldn't be in the mess I'm in right now.
I know how stupid it is. And I know it's childish. I know. I just can't help feeling like that. It SUCKS. I know what I want, I know what I should do. I just haven't managed to carry things out according to plan yet.
Uggh. I want to sleep. Maybe things will take a turn for the better tomorrow.
Oh, one thing. It pisses me off. Irritating. Scary. Awkward. STRANGE. God, it's like a story. A horrible one.
(And now I hate myself for being so mean. It's not horrible. Sorry.)
Sorry, no photos yet. *guilty smile*
I'm exhausted, and I'm hungry. I want to sleep, but I have (want) to finish this post first.
We had fun playing with the drums at school today! It was exhilarating. And funny! Hahaha.
I shall not forget! She owes all of us drinks for her lack of self-confidence! Poor thing. Ahem. It wasn't my idea. It was NOT.
So. What to say.
I spent the whole weekend watching the three Lord of the Rings movie (AGAIN! Yes, I'm crazy.) with my mom. Haha. Samwise Gamgee! Exactly what a friend should be like. Cough. Take notes, people.
"I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you." ♥
I honestly planned to start studying 3 days ago, which was exactly one month to the finals. Now, I plan to start studying when it's 3 weeks to the exam. Hopefully I'll stick to that plan.
I hate myself FOR hating myself because I care too much. It's not like I can help it anyway. If I can, I wouldn't be in the mess I'm in right now.
I know how stupid it is. And I know it's childish. I know. I just can't help feeling like that. It SUCKS. I know what I want, I know what I should do. I just haven't managed to carry things out according to plan yet.
Uggh. I want to sleep. Maybe things will take a turn for the better tomorrow.
Oh, one thing. It pisses me off. Irritating. Scary. Awkward. STRANGE. God, it's like a story. A horrible one.
(And now I hate myself for being so mean. It's not horrible. Sorry.)
♥ craving chocolate kisses ..
11:14 PM
11:14 PM