♥ Friday, August 29, 2008 ♥
29 August 2008
I chopped off my fringe!!
I swear I look damn stupid now, like the majority of the students at school. *points at Rui Mei and snorts* HAHAHA.

Neh, stupid or not, you decide. =P
Actually, Hui Jing and I were to blame for Rui Mei's weird fringe. We helped her cut it off before the assembly. Pui Sin also came with us, so the four of us squeezed into a small, filthy toilet cubicle. Yuck. Not an experience I'm likely to repeat soon.
With a misstep, your foot will most probably be jammed into the toilet bowl. Ahhh. Nice.
I was going to say something but I couldn't remember what. So .... forget it.
PMR is getting nearer and nearer!! But the nearer it is, the faster it'll be over!! Hahaha I'm such an optimist, no??
Okay I gotta go bury my head in the stupid History text book now ...
Studying about how everyone tried to steal the throne and steal the rich lands full of precious, costly, inestimable minerals. How extremely intriguing. NOT.
Why war?? Because everyone wanted to be the king.
Why fight?? Because everyone wanted to be the king.
Why waste their lives to fight over the throne?? What's so nice about being the ruler of the country anyway.
Hey, actually, if I"m the ruler of the country, I can make everyone stop studying Malay, like Koon Yee said!! That's an ace idea!!!
At the same time I will .... AH! I will turn Penang into New York number two!! But there probably IS a New York number two already, poooo.
Imagine, imagine!!
OK sorry I'm not going to start my oh-New-York-is-so-perfect rant again.
Talking about Manhattan, GOSSIP GIRL IS COMING BACK IN 3 DAYS!!
Not that I can watch it, because the stupid trial exam starts in .... *gulp* 5 days??!
FIVE DAYS??? Where did the sixth and seventh day go, huh?? Where???!?
I said I'll update about the CO concert SOON (with lots of photos for you to drool over hahaha it's not funny actually) but I guess the "soon" will be after ... 12 days. Or .... never.
I might be going to the beach on Monday!! Crazy right. Exams on Wednesday you know.
Never mind, the exam is the SCHOOL trial exam only!! Not that important actually. But that still doesn't stop me from being anxious. Oh God, I'm not making any sense, am I??
Byeeee!! Cross your fingers and hope that I don't fall asleep when I see three Sultan Mahmud Shahs, three Sultan Muzaffar Shahs and three Sultan Mansor Shahs. Or possibly more.
Almost every chapter of the History text book mentioned the Malays' creativity during the olden days. If they're so creative, I wonder why they all have the same name?? Someone should tell them to use their talent to create new and different names. *yawn*
I chopped off my fringe!!
I swear I look damn stupid now, like the majority of the students at school. *points at Rui Mei and snorts* HAHAHA.

Neh, stupid or not, you decide. =P
Actually, Hui Jing and I were to blame for Rui Mei's weird fringe. We helped her cut it off before the assembly. Pui Sin also came with us, so the four of us squeezed into a small, filthy toilet cubicle. Yuck. Not an experience I'm likely to repeat soon.
With a misstep, your foot will most probably be jammed into the toilet bowl. Ahhh. Nice.
I was going to say something but I couldn't remember what. So .... forget it.
PMR is getting nearer and nearer!! But the nearer it is, the faster it'll be over!! Hahaha I'm such an optimist, no??
Okay I gotta go bury my head in the stupid History text book now ...
Studying about how everyone tried to steal the throne and steal the rich lands full of precious, costly, inestimable minerals. How extremely intriguing. NOT.
Why war?? Because everyone wanted to be the king.
Why fight?? Because everyone wanted to be the king.
Why waste their lives to fight over the throne?? What's so nice about being the ruler of the country anyway.
Hey, actually, if I"m the ruler of the country, I can make everyone stop studying Malay, like Koon Yee said!! That's an ace idea!!!
At the same time I will .... AH! I will turn Penang into New York number two!! But there probably IS a New York number two already, poooo.
Imagine, imagine!!
OK sorry I'm not going to start my oh-New-York-is-so-perfect rant again.
Talking about Manhattan, GOSSIP GIRL IS COMING BACK IN 3 DAYS!!
Not that I can watch it, because the stupid trial exam starts in .... *gulp* 5 days??!
FIVE DAYS??? Where did the sixth and seventh day go, huh?? Where???!?
I said I'll update about the CO concert SOON (with lots of photos for you to drool over hahaha it's not funny actually) but I guess the "soon" will be after ... 12 days. Or .... never.
I might be going to the beach on Monday!! Crazy right. Exams on Wednesday you know.
Never mind, the exam is the SCHOOL trial exam only!! Not that important actually. But that still doesn't stop me from being anxious. Oh God, I'm not making any sense, am I??
Byeeee!! Cross your fingers and hope that I don't fall asleep when I see three Sultan Mahmud Shahs, three Sultan Muzaffar Shahs and three Sultan Mansor Shahs. Or possibly more.
Almost every chapter of the History text book mentioned the Malays' creativity during the olden days. If they're so creative, I wonder why they all have the same name?? Someone should tell them to use their talent to create new and different names. *yawn*
♥ craving chocolate kisses ..
8:36 PM
8:36 PM
♥ Thursday, August 21, 2008 ♥
♥ 4 Days
17 August 2008
Went to some restaurant at night to celebrate my grandmother's birthday.
It wasn't as grand an affair like last year, not quite as many people, and not quite as fun, but whatever, it was still better than staying at home. And there was no wine of any sort this year. Grrahh. I'm craving for Baileys Irish Cream!! I don't know. It smells and tastes (to me) like a combination of very sweet, thick milk, vanilla essence, and chocolate. Yum.

Quite a magnificent cake, no??
I didn't really liked it that much though, because it was mango cake.
But I did like, in fact, LOVED the strawberries on top. They were so sweet!! Strawberries are my favorite, and in my opinion, one of the best fruits ever!! They taste nice (well, not always), AND they look nice!! They're so pretty, sometimes it's a bit of a heartache to eat them.

Closer look of the fruits on top.
There were kiwi, apples, strawberries, starfruits, grapes, and two pieces of chocolates. At first I didn't know what the cute orange fruit with the dried leaves was called. But later I found out from reading non-fiction books* that they are called cape gooseberries!!
*I read non-fiction books because I wanted to put off studying (parents nagging *screams*) and when my parents catch me reading something that is not relevant to school studies, at least I can tell them the books are educational!! I learned quite a few things, to be honest. And they are pretty nice to read.

All of us were damned .... I don't know. Bad.
We were all rushing through the courses of the food, because, ahh, anyone who's anyone knows that that night was THE night when Lee Chong Wei and Lin Dan "played" badminton together.
My poor grandmother, she looked kind of, no, screw that, she looked so upset and angry, because everyone was in a hurry to go back home to watch the badminton match.
But who knew that Lin Dan won so quickly, huh??!?! I don't like him. And I don't like his girlfriend. I support Lee Chong Wei forever!! Whoopeee.
Actually, I'd kill to get Lin Dan's shoes (much as I dislike him) which he threw to the audience. Spectators. Whatever you call them. I read the newspapers* that the person who caught one side of his shoe was trying to buy the other shoe for at least RM5000.
Stinking finking. How come this kind of thing never happens to me??
*I read the newspapers because I wanted to put off studying and I wanted to prevent myself from falling asleep. If I didn't remember wrongly, I was sleeping for the whole day, and lucky me, my mum kept coming into my room, and kept asking why every time she came into my room, I was sleeping.
18 August 2008
Went to school in the afternoon for the Traffic Warden farewell.
Played the station games that the Form 2s planned. It was quite fun, except for a few stations where the games were a bit daft (to me, that is). In the end everyone was wet because we were all splashing water and throwing water balloons at each other. =_=
Had a buffet dinner in the canteen later on.

Pretty souvenirs (not for us, pooo) made of shells.

Plate piled high with different kinds of food.
*burp* Couldn't finish the food so I threw some to Jit Nee. She's like a stick-insect, and I ... err, figure that she needs more food or ... or else she will face the problem of ... uhh, stunted growth? She was furious (kind of) but one day, she'll thank me for it. One day. Hahahaha.
We didn't take the food ourselves, by the way. The food were served by ... a dinosaur!! I don't know lah someone told me the guy looked like a dinosaur.

Jun Fang & I
I look like a monster under very heavy strain. End of story.

*groans* Not another cake.
But I didn't eat this one, no. It wasn't for us anyway. It was for the seniors who are leaving the school. Don't really know them that well, so, no feelings, no comment. Well, except bye-bye. And thank you. =)

Ming Hooi & I
And her jade "magician" ring. =P

See Teng & I
My sister's friend, and my senior in both CO and TW. She doesn't look any older than me does she??
Later on, there were other performances, and the Form 3s performed a magic show. Uhm. The Form 3s excluding me. I was too lazy to take part. Plus I was busy.
(Yeah, right.)
I preferred the farewell last year, for many, many reasons. Uhh, end of story.
20 August 2008
Went to school early in the morning for CO practice.
Shi Yin sat beside me!!! Poooo. Disaster. Sitting beside her has always been a disaster. Arrrrgh. And I CAN'T accept her new hair!! Yuck. Haha. =P
And I finished the tiny 250ml (yeah, that's the amount of water she drinks) bottle of honey she brought to school. Oops.
My brother, two of his friends, my sister and I went to Queensbay during the evening to watch Wall-E!!!
Before leaving the house, we saw .....

How gorgeous. I love rainbows!! It wasn't a very big and bright one, but, better than none right??
Arrrrgh the stupid, stupid wire. Shoo.
So. We reached Queensbay at around 6.30 p.m. Since there weren't any tickets for the 7.40 p.m. show, we had to watch the 9.40 p.m. one instead. AND there were only seats available for the first row. First row you know!! Neck-breaking, errrgh.
We walked around the place, wasting time until it was time for dinner. We had dinner at McDonald's!! So predictable huh?? Poor people what. =P

This hurt my eyes. Yeeee-uck. It has got to be the worst decoration I have ever seen.
Just like our school, the mall was hung with many Malaysia flags. I don't know, I think that hanging too much of it will seem a bit FAKE. Kind of similar to those people who suck up to famous, beautiful, important people.
I hate those kind of people.

Me, my brother & my sister
I know, I know. Bad place to be taking a photo. Such a lousy, ugly setting. Pooo.

My sister and I.
Haha!!! There were two hugeeee pimples on her nose, but I edited it away.
Maybe I'll ask her to pay me RM100 for each pimple brushed away.
(Nah, she needn't know that it's a very easy thing to do. Shut up.)
We also cam-whored in the gorgeously pink toilets for a while.
(If only the toilet is in turquoise. You'll probably never see me again. I'll be living in that toilet.)

Yeah, yeah, same pose, shut up. Heeee. =D

My brother andhis a Porsche
My future car. Take note : MY FUTURE CAR.
Okay. Maybe not. My future car is a Lamborghini. Preferably a Lamborghini Murcielago.
(Shhh. Let me dream.)

It's hot, no??
I fell in love with it when I saw it in my brother's game ....
My sister and I named a soft toy after Lamborghini and two dogs after Murcielago, which turned out to be .... err, Murshie? Mushie? Moooshie?? God knows.
Sooo, the movie!!

The movie was very nice!! Wall-E is very cute, and so is Eve. Or Eva. Whatever her name is. Wall-E wrote it as Eve but pronounced it as Eva. Weird.
But the cutest is .... M-O!!
Or MO. Or whatever its name is.
I thought it was MOP at first. It definitely made sense, because it kept cleaning and mopping up all the dirt.
Wall-E is so sweeeet to Eve!! And it is kind of sad at the end, I almost thought ....
Well anyway, go watch the movie yourself and marvel at all the cuteness!! Hehehe.
21 August 2008
Went to school early in the morning (damn, they all start with the same words) for CO practice.
Uhhhm. Nothing much to say about today actually.
Except that I was very happy!!! =D
Took a few photos with Rui Mei after tuition, and I'm waiting for her to send it to me, which will probably be .... never.
*sigh* It's a bit infuriating to be with someone like her sometimes. =P
Oh. Someone told me my eyebags are very puffy today. And another person told me that my dark eye rings are .... well, I don't know. Simply horrible. (No of course she didn't say that you doofus)
AHHHHHH I must go to bed soon if I want to stay my pretty old self. *COUGHS*
But I haven't talk about the stupid school rules YET!!
Never mind I'll rant about it some other day. I still can't decide whether I should chop my long (long to the school) fringe off or to let it grow until there's no fringe.
Either way, it'll suck.
*sigh* This school is driving me nuts.
17 August 2008
Went to some restaurant at night to celebrate my grandmother's birthday.
It wasn't as grand an affair like last year, not quite as many people, and not quite as fun, but whatever, it was still better than staying at home. And there was no wine of any sort this year. Grrahh. I'm craving for Baileys Irish Cream!! I don't know. It smells and tastes (to me) like a combination of very sweet, thick milk, vanilla essence, and chocolate. Yum.

Quite a magnificent cake, no??
I didn't really liked it that much though, because it was mango cake.
But I did like, in fact, LOVED the strawberries on top. They were so sweet!! Strawberries are my favorite, and in my opinion, one of the best fruits ever!! They taste nice (well, not always), AND they look nice!! They're so pretty, sometimes it's a bit of a heartache to eat them.

Closer look of the fruits on top.
There were kiwi, apples, strawberries, starfruits, grapes, and two pieces of chocolates. At first I didn't know what the cute orange fruit with the dried leaves was called. But later I found out from reading non-fiction books* that they are called cape gooseberries!!
*I read non-fiction books because I wanted to put off studying (parents nagging *screams*) and when my parents catch me reading something that is not relevant to school studies, at least I can tell them the books are educational!! I learned quite a few things, to be honest. And they are pretty nice to read.

All of us were damned .... I don't know. Bad.
We were all rushing through the courses of the food, because, ahh, anyone who's anyone knows that that night was THE night when Lee Chong Wei and Lin Dan "played" badminton together.
My poor grandmother, she looked kind of, no, screw that, she looked so upset and angry, because everyone was in a hurry to go back home to watch the badminton match.
But who knew that Lin Dan won so quickly, huh??!?! I don't like him. And I don't like his girlfriend. I support Lee Chong Wei forever!! Whoopeee.
Actually, I'd kill to get Lin Dan's shoes (much as I dislike him) which he threw to the audience. Spectators. Whatever you call them. I read the newspapers* that the person who caught one side of his shoe was trying to buy the other shoe for at least RM5000.
Stinking finking. How come this kind of thing never happens to me??
*I read the newspapers because I wanted to put off studying and I wanted to prevent myself from falling asleep. If I didn't remember wrongly, I was sleeping for the whole day, and lucky me, my mum kept coming into my room, and kept asking why every time she came into my room, I was sleeping.
18 August 2008
Went to school in the afternoon for the Traffic Warden farewell.
Played the station games that the Form 2s planned. It was quite fun, except for a few stations where the games were a bit daft (to me, that is). In the end everyone was wet because we were all splashing water and throwing water balloons at each other. =_=
Had a buffet dinner in the canteen later on.

Pretty souvenirs (not for us, pooo) made of shells.

Plate piled high with different kinds of food.
*burp* Couldn't finish the food so I threw some to Jit Nee. She's like a stick-insect, and I ... err, figure that she needs more food or ... or else she will face the problem of ... uhh, stunted growth? She was furious (kind of) but one day, she'll thank me for it. One day. Hahahaha.
We didn't take the food ourselves, by the way. The food were served by ... a dinosaur!! I don't know lah someone told me the guy looked like a dinosaur.

Jun Fang & I
I look like a monster under very heavy strain. End of story.

*groans* Not another cake.
But I didn't eat this one, no. It wasn't for us anyway. It was for the seniors who are leaving the school. Don't really know them that well, so, no feelings, no comment. Well, except bye-bye. And thank you. =)

Ming Hooi & I
And her jade "magician" ring. =P

See Teng & I
My sister's friend, and my senior in both CO and TW. She doesn't look any older than me does she??
Later on, there were other performances, and the Form 3s performed a magic show. Uhm. The Form 3s excluding me. I was too lazy to take part. Plus I was busy.
(Yeah, right.)
I preferred the farewell last year, for many, many reasons. Uhh, end of story.
20 August 2008
Went to school early in the morning for CO practice.
Shi Yin sat beside me!!! Poooo. Disaster. Sitting beside her has always been a disaster. Arrrrgh. And I CAN'T accept her new hair!! Yuck. Haha. =P
And I finished the tiny 250ml (yeah, that's the amount of water she drinks) bottle of honey she brought to school. Oops.
My brother, two of his friends, my sister and I went to Queensbay during the evening to watch Wall-E!!!
Before leaving the house, we saw .....

How gorgeous. I love rainbows!! It wasn't a very big and bright one, but, better than none right??
Arrrrgh the stupid, stupid wire. Shoo.
So. We reached Queensbay at around 6.30 p.m. Since there weren't any tickets for the 7.40 p.m. show, we had to watch the 9.40 p.m. one instead. AND there were only seats available for the first row. First row you know!! Neck-breaking, errrgh.
We walked around the place, wasting time until it was time for dinner. We had dinner at McDonald's!! So predictable huh?? Poor people what. =P

This hurt my eyes. Yeeee-uck. It has got to be the worst decoration I have ever seen.
Just like our school, the mall was hung with many Malaysia flags. I don't know, I think that hanging too much of it will seem a bit FAKE. Kind of similar to those people who suck up to famous, beautiful, important people.
I hate those kind of people.

Me, my brother & my sister
I know, I know. Bad place to be taking a photo. Such a lousy, ugly setting. Pooo.

My sister and I.
Haha!!! There were two hugeeee pimples on her nose, but I edited it away.
Maybe I'll ask her to pay me RM100 for each pimple brushed away.
(Nah, she needn't know that it's a very easy thing to do. Shut up.)
We also cam-whored in the gorgeously pink toilets for a while.
(If only the toilet is in turquoise. You'll probably never see me again. I'll be living in that toilet.)

Yeah, yeah, same pose, shut up. Heeee. =D

My brother and
My future car. Take note : MY FUTURE CAR.
Okay. Maybe not. My future car is a Lamborghini. Preferably a Lamborghini Murcielago.
(Shhh. Let me dream.)

It's hot, no??
I fell in love with it when I saw it in my brother's game ....
My sister and I named a soft toy after Lamborghini and two dogs after Murcielago, which turned out to be .... err, Murshie? Mushie? Moooshie?? God knows.
Sooo, the movie!!

The movie was very nice!! Wall-E is very cute, and so is Eve. Or Eva. Whatever her name is. Wall-E wrote it as Eve but pronounced it as Eva. Weird.
But the cutest is .... M-O!!
Or MO. Or whatever its name is.
I thought it was MOP at first. It definitely made sense, because it kept cleaning and mopping up all the dirt.
Wall-E is so sweeeet to Eve!! And it is kind of sad at the end, I almost thought ....
Well anyway, go watch the movie yourself and marvel at all the cuteness!! Hehehe.
21 August 2008
Went to school early in the morning (damn, they all start with the same words) for CO practice.
Uhhhm. Nothing much to say about today actually.
Except that I was very happy!!! =D
Took a few photos with Rui Mei after tuition, and I'm waiting for her to send it to me, which will probably be .... never.
*sigh* It's a bit infuriating to be with someone like her sometimes. =P
Oh. Someone told me my eyebags are very puffy today. And another person told me that my dark eye rings are .... well, I don't know. Simply horrible. (No of course she didn't say that you doofus)
AHHHHHH I must go to bed soon if I want to stay my pretty old self. *COUGHS*
But I haven't talk about the stupid school rules YET!!
Never mind I'll rant about it some other day. I still can't decide whether I should chop my long (long to the school) fringe off or to let it grow until there's no fringe.
Either way, it'll suck.
*sigh* This school is driving me nuts.
♥ craving chocolate kisses ..
9:19 PM
9:19 PM
♥ Tuesday, August 19, 2008 ♥
19 August 2008
I just read a most shocking post.
All the more reason why I don't like Malaysia.
Read THIS.
Tell me, in what way is Avril's on-stage moves are "TOO SEXY"??!?

This is AVRIL LAVIGNE we're talking about here, hello hello helloooo.
I think Avril is one of the singers that doesn't dress, dance (or anything) too sexily!!!
Damn, it's embarrassing. I know it's a bit ... err, "over the top" to say something like this, but I'm kind of ashamed to be a Malaysian!! Looook at the bottom of the OMG! entry. Beyonce. Christina Aguilera. Gwen Stefani. Pussycat Dolls (fined for such a large amount of money, no less, I'm kind of surprised they still came to the MTV Asia Awards in Genting after that).
They must think us Malaysians are crazy. Does Gwen Stefani dresses in too revealing clothes?? She DOESN'T!! I can't say the same about Pussycat Dolls, because yeah, they do dress in super revealing clothes. But come on!!! You mean to say, if the stars don't come to Malaysia, the teens and other people won't be able to like, imitate them??!
Hello, what do they take the internet for??
And do they mean to say that all the Malaysians are the anti-PCD?? That none of them dresses like that, dances like that??!? What will be next?
And Christina Aguilera, skipping a concert here?? (I only just knew that) That's totally ... what can I say? Humiliating. *sigh*
Since when is Avril known for having "too sexy on-stage moves"??!?!? SINCE WHEN?? Tell me.
Even though she's not the same anymore, she's still, I don't know!! She's not like ... say, Paris Hilton or Britney Spears right. (Although she's blond now, dresses differently, and did take a few topless photos for some magazines)
All of this ... I guess not much stars (female) will be coming to Malaysia anymore. Okay, it's not like I get to see them anyway, but still, it's a nice feeling to know that such popular stars are coming here.
AHHHHH I'm going for lunch now. Errrgh.
Can't wait to leave Malaysia!! The nearest place I can go to is Singapore and the furthest?? The further the better. I'm going to make loads of money and move to USA. New York, I'm coming for you one day!! Or maybe London. Or the Caribbean. Some place far, far away.
Or maybe I'll live on the moon. That's even better.
I just read a most shocking post.
All the more reason why I don't like Malaysia.
Read THIS.
Tell me, in what way is Avril's on-stage moves are "TOO SEXY"??!?

This is AVRIL LAVIGNE we're talking about here, hello hello helloooo.
I think Avril is one of the singers that doesn't dress, dance (or anything) too sexily!!!
Damn, it's embarrassing. I know it's a bit ... err, "over the top" to say something like this, but I'm kind of ashamed to be a Malaysian!! Looook at the bottom of the OMG! entry. Beyonce. Christina Aguilera. Gwen Stefani. Pussycat Dolls (fined for such a large amount of money, no less, I'm kind of surprised they still came to the MTV Asia Awards in Genting after that).
They must think us Malaysians are crazy. Does Gwen Stefani dresses in too revealing clothes?? She DOESN'T!! I can't say the same about Pussycat Dolls, because yeah, they do dress in super revealing clothes. But come on!!! You mean to say, if the stars don't come to Malaysia, the teens and other people won't be able to like, imitate them??!
Hello, what do they take the internet for??
And do they mean to say that all the Malaysians are the anti-PCD?? That none of them dresses like that, dances like that??!? What will be next?
And Christina Aguilera, skipping a concert here?? (I only just knew that) That's totally ... what can I say? Humiliating. *sigh*
Since when is Avril known for having "too sexy on-stage moves"??!?!? SINCE WHEN?? Tell me.
Even though she's not the same anymore, she's still, I don't know!! She's not like ... say, Paris Hilton or Britney Spears right. (Although she's blond now, dresses differently, and did take a few topless photos for some magazines)
All of this ... I guess not much stars (female) will be coming to Malaysia anymore. Okay, it's not like I get to see them anyway, but still, it's a nice feeling to know that such popular stars are coming here.
AHHHHH I'm going for lunch now. Errrgh.
Can't wait to leave Malaysia!! The nearest place I can go to is Singapore and the furthest?? The further the better. I'm going to make loads of money and move to USA. New York, I'm coming for you one day!! Or maybe London. Or the Caribbean. Some place far, far away.
Or maybe I'll live on the moon. That's even better.
♥ craving chocolate kisses ..
12:57 PM
12:57 PM
♥ Sunday, August 17, 2008 ♥
17 August 2008
Noooo Lin Dan won!!!
Damn damn damn damn damnnnn.
Noooo Lin Dan won!!!
Damn damn damn damn damnnnn.
♥ craving chocolate kisses ..
10:09 PM
10:09 PM
♥ Saturday, August 16, 2008 ♥
Flower Power
16 August 2008
It's all going to be about flowers!! If you hate flowers then go away. Or just skip to the bottom part of the post where there are random everyday stuff. Or just .... oh, just go away. *swipes away a tear*
Hahahaha. Sorry I'm feeling kind of (which is an understatement) insane today. Can't blame me. Blame the ... flowers, okay?? It's not my fault I'm feeling this crazy.
So, I'm going to upload photos of exquisite flowers from my house!!

Looook!! It's a ..... well I don't know what it's called, but just look how cute it is!! It's completely round, like a .... like a .... grenade.

See how velvety and furry the petals are?? And look at the extraordinarily plastic-like middle!!
(Damn. Is it me or does everything sounds really wrong?? Leave it to me to make a beautiful flower sound ugly!!!)
I reckon the flower might be called starflower, you know. Star-shaped fishes are called starfishes, star-shaped fruits are called starfruits, star-shaped butts are called starbutts, and star-shaped cereals are called Honey Stars. So a star-shaped flower should be called a starflower, no??
Eh, I think honey stars are irrelevant. But I'm sort of craving for them right now!! It brings back memories of my ... err, childhood at Pedu Lake. I mean, vacationing at Pedu Lake.

Such a gorgeous place .... I still remember what a glutton I was (and still is), and I ate at least three bowls of honey stars with fresh milk. That was breakfast, and after that, we left Pedu Lake by car. The roads were all sharp turns and bumps, so I puked all my honey stars out. Uggh.
You'd think I'd never touch a single honey star anymore, right??
In fact, I love it more than ever. Yummmy. Hahaha. Glutton, indeed.

Neh, flowers!!
Orchid lah, dumb.
Seen the advertisement before?? Some ridiculous advertisement for some kind of I-don't-know-what, children's milk?? where the child is cleverer than the parent.
(Something sounds wrong with children's milk. Children's milk. Mummy's milk. Children's milk. Hmmm.)

Errr, flowers!!
Cactus flowers, no less. Pretty!! The flowers look a bit dirty though ...

Seeeee, so cute!!!
My house is a freaking desert I tell you. What with the unbearable heat and the many different types of cacti.

Ahhhh. One of my favourite flowers.
I don't really like Japan, unlike Rui Mei *glances at her in disdain*, but there are some things I absolutely love like the Japanese Roses!! (but are they actually from Japan?? Don't know lah) I definitely don't like the "handsome boys and pretty girls" Rui Mei LOVES. Yuck. The girls are all so ... act-cute/open-eyes-wide BLERRGH.
Back to the flowers.
They're quite easy to grow and look after, and yet they're so beautiful!! *sigh*

I swear they were (and are) blooming by the hundreds outside my house!!
When I was still living in my old house, the Japanese Roses were, yes, pretty as always, but quite small, not as big as the ones I just showed you. Maybe it's because of the desert heat here.

This photo was not taken by me. Of course not lah, you can see the difference. *sobs* I just don't have talent in photography ...

Look at the bottom left flower!! So cute right??! RIGHT??!
The one and only. Don't know how it happened, but they became mixed up. A pink and a reddish-fuchsia one. Cuteeee~
Okay I think that's about it. Enough about flowers. To everyday stuff.
My holidays are brightening up a bit!!
Going for dinner tomorrow at some restaurant somewhere to celebrate my grandmother's (mother's mother) birthday!!
Hope we will be back in time for the Olympics, go LEE CHONG WEI!!! Goooo Malaysia!! If we can't come back in time ... damn I'd tell the restaurant owner to rig up a television then and there.
All the best to Lee Chong Wei tomorrow!!! I hope he wins. I HOPE HE WINS!!!
We watched him play badminton with the Korean guy yesterday, and we were like, screaming, clutching our faces in fear, scolding and swearing at the Korean what's-his-name. And his coach!! How mean to smirk like that when LCW didn't manage to err, "hit" the ball on time!! Pah. All I can say is, go home and CRY now that LCW won. Hah. HAH. That will teach him to smirk. Poo.
Anyway. We might be going out more now that my second brother is back. To the movies, for dinner, go shopping, et cetera. Wheeee. Screw studying. I don't care. At least, not yet.
Pei Qi's birthday on Monday!! And she asked if we wanted to go over to her house on Tuesday night, but still thinking about it, hehee.
Probably going to the beach on Friday. Then I can get tan!! WHEEEE. Maybe.
And my brother brought back a box of Dunkin' Donuts!! Yippeeee!! Last time when my eldest brother came down from Singapore (just a week or two ago), he also bought a box of Dunkin' Donuts for us!! Yum.
Okay, I want to go to sleep now.
It's all going to be about flowers!! If you hate flowers then go away. Or just skip to the bottom part of the post where there are random everyday stuff. Or just .... oh, just go away. *swipes away a tear*
Hahahaha. Sorry I'm feeling kind of (which is an understatement) insane today. Can't blame me. Blame the ... flowers, okay?? It's not my fault I'm feeling this crazy.
So, I'm going to upload photos of exquisite flowers from my house!!

Looook!! It's a ..... well I don't know what it's called, but just look how cute it is!! It's completely round, like a .... like a .... grenade.

See how velvety and furry the petals are?? And look at the extraordinarily plastic-like middle!!
(Damn. Is it me or does everything sounds really wrong?? Leave it to me to make a beautiful flower sound ugly!!!)
I reckon the flower might be called starflower, you know. Star-shaped fishes are called starfishes, star-shaped fruits are called starfruits, star-shaped butts are called starbutts, and star-shaped cereals are called Honey Stars. So a star-shaped flower should be called a starflower, no??
Eh, I think honey stars are irrelevant. But I'm sort of craving for them right now!! It brings back memories of my ... err, childhood at Pedu Lake. I mean, vacationing at Pedu Lake.

Such a gorgeous place .... I still remember what a glutton I was (and still is), and I ate at least three bowls of honey stars with fresh milk. That was breakfast, and after that, we left Pedu Lake by car. The roads were all sharp turns and bumps, so I puked all my honey stars out. Uggh.
You'd think I'd never touch a single honey star anymore, right??
In fact, I love it more than ever. Yummmy. Hahaha. Glutton, indeed.

Neh, flowers!!
Orchid lah, dumb.
Seen the advertisement before?? Some ridiculous advertisement for some kind of I-don't-know-what, children's milk?? where the child is cleverer than the parent.
(Something sounds wrong with children's milk. Children's milk. Mummy's milk. Children's milk. Hmmm.)

Errr, flowers!!
Cactus flowers, no less. Pretty!! The flowers look a bit dirty though ...

Seeeee, so cute!!!
My house is a freaking desert I tell you. What with the unbearable heat and the many different types of cacti.

Ahhhh. One of my favourite flowers.
I don't really like Japan, unlike Rui Mei *glances at her in disdain*, but there are some things I absolutely love like the Japanese Roses!! (but are they actually from Japan?? Don't know lah) I definitely don't like the "handsome boys and pretty girls" Rui Mei LOVES. Yuck. The girls are all so ... act-cute/open-eyes-wide BLERRGH.
Back to the flowers.
They're quite easy to grow and look after, and yet they're so beautiful!! *sigh*

I swear they were (and are) blooming by the hundreds outside my house!!
When I was still living in my old house, the Japanese Roses were, yes, pretty as always, but quite small, not as big as the ones I just showed you. Maybe it's because of the desert heat here.

This photo was not taken by me. Of course not lah, you can see the difference. *sobs* I just don't have talent in photography ...

Look at the bottom left flower!! So cute right??! RIGHT??!
The one and only. Don't know how it happened, but they became mixed up. A pink and a reddish-fuchsia one. Cuteeee~
Okay I think that's about it. Enough about flowers. To everyday stuff.
My holidays are brightening up a bit!!
Going for dinner tomorrow at some restaurant somewhere to celebrate my grandmother's (mother's mother) birthday!!
Hope we will be back in time for the Olympics, go LEE CHONG WEI!!! Goooo Malaysia!! If we can't come back in time ... damn I'd tell the restaurant owner to rig up a television then and there.
All the best to Lee Chong Wei tomorrow!!! I hope he wins. I HOPE HE WINS!!!
We watched him play badminton with the Korean guy yesterday, and we were like, screaming, clutching our faces in fear, scolding and swearing at the Korean what's-his-name. And his coach!! How mean to smirk like that when LCW didn't manage to err, "hit" the ball on time!! Pah. All I can say is, go home and CRY now that LCW won. Hah. HAH. That will teach him to smirk. Poo.
Anyway. We might be going out more now that my second brother is back. To the movies, for dinner, go shopping, et cetera. Wheeee. Screw studying. I don't care. At least, not yet.
Pei Qi's birthday on Monday!! And she asked if we wanted to go over to her house on Tuesday night, but still thinking about it, hehee.
Probably going to the beach on Friday. Then I can get tan!! WHEEEE. Maybe.
And my brother brought back a box of Dunkin' Donuts!! Yippeeee!! Last time when my eldest brother came down from Singapore (just a week or two ago), he also bought a box of Dunkin' Donuts for us!! Yum.
Okay, I want to go to sleep now.
♥ craving chocolate kisses ..
3:04 PM
3:04 PM
♥ Wednesday, August 13, 2008 ♥
29 Days To Go ...
13 August 2008
Only 29 more days until Gossip Girl is back!!
I saw soooo many sneak-peeks and photos from certain websites, and ... what can I say??

Serena and Dan
They are in some kind of all-white summer party I think .... how pretty!!
Gorgeous, gorgeous Serena.
I love her white dress and her elaborate updo!!
Screw Dan. I want Serena to be with Nate!!!
(Since Serena and Dan are going out together off-screen and all)

Blair and Chuck
I love Blair's outfit too!! But I freaking hate Chuck's hair. WHAT DID HE DO TO HIS HAIR??!
But he's truly hot (when his hair is not like that obviously), and he gets brownie points for having a British accent!! Ooooh sexy. =P

Serena and Nate
Oh God, Nate is hot too. Just in a completely different way from Chuck. Nate's more of a ... pretty boy.
*sings* Oh my pretty, pretty boy, I love you ....
There was a sort of poll on Gossip Girl Insider, asking who would you rather ... you know, *coughs* have sex with, Nate or Chuck.
Now, that's a tough question.
I'd choose Chuck, because he has that bad boy kind of allure which is completely sexy. And not forgetting the accent as well!!
But ....
I'd choose Nate too, because he's just plain hot and has a great bod.
Okay fine, I think I'd do them both.

Serena and Nate again
Yay!! Though I hope they're doing a lot more than dancing ... *winks*

Believe it or not, she's only 15. Both in the show (or is it 14?) and in reality.
I'm also fifteen and I'm nowhere as tall, nowhere near as skinny, nowhere as long-legged, nowhere as pretty, nowhere as mature, nowhere as famous ......
(please add "and never ever will be" behind each "nowhere" word)

Gorgeous, gorgeous Blair.
Look at those legs!!

Dan and Serena
First with Nate, then with Dan ...
How many guys does Serena have?? =P
And oh, I have to say Dan's pretty cute as well. Heeheh.

Serena and Lily
Mother and daughter (on-screen, duh), shopping together!!
Everything about them screams : "DESIGNER LABEL!!", don't you think??
Okay. It's after 12 o'clock in the morning now, which means Gossip Girl Season 2 is coming back in only 28 days!!
I can't wait!! Finally, back to ogling hot guys, even hotter girls, and the hottest designer clothes, bags and shoes.
Oh shit. OH SHIT. GG's coming back on 1st September and my trial exam is on 3rd September.
Feeeeek. Life is unfair. =(
P.S./ Assembly at school tomorrow. Which means I am most probably going to have a very angry post tomorrow. Oh yeah, I also said that I'm going to bore you with an entry of pretty flowers and plants!! *yawn*
Only 29 more days until Gossip Girl is back!!
I saw soooo many sneak-peeks and photos from certain websites, and ... what can I say??

Serena and Dan
They are in some kind of all-white summer party I think .... how pretty!!
Gorgeous, gorgeous Serena.
I love her white dress and her elaborate updo!!
Screw Dan. I want Serena to be with Nate!!!
(Since Serena and Dan are going out together off-screen and all)

Blair and Chuck
I love Blair's outfit too!! But I freaking hate Chuck's hair. WHAT DID HE DO TO HIS HAIR??!
But he's truly hot (when his hair is not like that obviously), and he gets brownie points for having a British accent!! Ooooh sexy. =P

Serena and Nate
Oh God, Nate is hot too. Just in a completely different way from Chuck. Nate's more of a ... pretty boy.
*sings* Oh my pretty, pretty boy, I love you ....
There was a sort of poll on Gossip Girl Insider, asking who would you rather ... you know, *coughs* have sex with, Nate or Chuck.
Now, that's a tough question.
I'd choose Chuck, because he has that bad boy kind of allure which is completely sexy. And not forgetting the accent as well!!
But ....
I'd choose Nate too, because he's just plain hot and has a great bod.
Okay fine, I think I'd do them both.

Serena and Nate again
Yay!! Though I hope they're doing a lot more than dancing ... *winks*

Believe it or not, she's only 15. Both in the show (or is it 14?) and in reality.
I'm also fifteen and I'm nowhere as tall, nowhere near as skinny, nowhere as long-legged, nowhere as pretty, nowhere as mature, nowhere as famous ......
(please add "and never ever will be" behind each "nowhere" word)

Gorgeous, gorgeous Blair.
Look at those legs!!

Dan and Serena
First with Nate, then with Dan ...
How many guys does Serena have?? =P
And oh, I have to say Dan's pretty cute as well. Heeheh.

Serena and Lily
Mother and daughter (on-screen, duh), shopping together!!
Everything about them screams : "DESIGNER LABEL!!", don't you think??
Okay. It's after 12 o'clock in the morning now, which means Gossip Girl Season 2 is coming back in only 28 days!!
I can't wait!! Finally, back to ogling hot guys, even hotter girls, and the hottest designer clothes, bags and shoes.
Oh shit. OH SHIT. GG's coming back on 1st September and my trial exam is on 3rd September.
Feeeeek. Life is unfair. =(
P.S./ Assembly at school tomorrow. Which means I am most probably going to have a very angry post tomorrow. Oh yeah, I also said that I'm going to bore you with an entry of pretty flowers and plants!! *yawn*
♥ craving chocolate kisses ..
10:44 PM
10:44 PM
♥ Tuesday, August 12, 2008 ♥
The A-Z Things To Celebrate
12 August 2008
A) Geography Exam Tomorrow!!
Why am I sitting here and why am I laughing??
B) Geography Exam Ends Tomorrow!!
Then I'll be sitting here and laughing again.
C) Holiday Starts This Saturday!!
Actually this is not going to be a very nice holiday!! Because :
1) PMR trial exam starts on 3rd September. Have to study. Blerghh.
2) Have to wake up early *groans* for CO practice.
3) Have a 3-hour tuition to look forward to on Thursday. Damn.
4) I'm not going anywhere nice.
5) Eh, maybe I'm going somewhere nice because my second brother is coming back.
6) Traffic Warden farewell on Tuesday.
7) I might be going to the beach on Friday.
8) There's a CO performance on Saturday.
9) I will have to learn about the differences between a schedule and a "because-of list".
D) PMR Over In Around Two Months!!
Cheers!! And for the rest of the year I'll be lazing around, doing nothing. Ahhh, bliss.
E) End of School on 14th November!!
F) End-Of-Year Holiday Starts on 15th November!!!
Say hello to a glorious 2-month, Rotten-Pear-Fucker-and-School-Rule-Free holiday!! *whoops*
G) Five More Chapters of Geography To Go!!!
Only five.
But it's 11.30 p.m. now.
But it's only five chapters!!
No actually it's 11.43 p.m. now.
Nah I can finish five chapters in five minutes okay.
H) Hahahahhhahha.
I) Heheheheehehheh.
28th of November. It's coming soon!!
Only three months. =P
K) Christmas!!!
25th of December. It's coming soon!!
Only four months. =P
L) Boxing Day.
Blah, dull.
M) 27th Of December
N) 28th of December
O) 29th of December
P) 30th of December
Q) New Year's Eve!!!
There will be magnificent fireworks!! Wheee!! Hopefully I'll get to see them ...
R) New Year!!!
A new year, 2009.
As the saying goes, a new year, a new start, blah blah blah.
S) School Is Never Reopening.
I predict that the school will be burnt down by a fire on my birthday.
28th November 2009.
U) Lumpy Parrot Poo
V) Nutty Parrot Nipple Poo
W) Willy-Willy
I have obviously been studying Geography .... The Australians call the hurricane Willy-Willy!!! How cute, right??
X) Xylophone
Y) Yam
Z) Zebra
Damn it's 11.53 p.m. now!!
Time to go back to (G) ....
Good night!! And wish me luck~
Actually don't wish me luck as the exam tomorrow is not important (which explains why I'm still sitting here), wish me luck for PMR instead!!
A) Geography Exam Tomorrow!!
Why am I sitting here and why am I laughing??
B) Geography Exam Ends Tomorrow!!
Then I'll be sitting here and laughing again.
C) Holiday Starts This Saturday!!
Actually this is not going to be a very nice holiday!! Because :
1) PMR trial exam starts on 3rd September. Have to study. Blerghh.
2) Have to wake up early *groans* for CO practice.
3) Have a 3-hour tuition to look forward to on Thursday. Damn.
4) I'm not going anywhere nice.
5) Eh, maybe I'm going somewhere nice because my second brother is coming back.
6) Traffic Warden farewell on Tuesday.
7) I might be going to the beach on Friday.
8) There's a CO performance on Saturday.
9) I will have to learn about the differences between a schedule and a "because-of list".
D) PMR Over In Around Two Months!!
Cheers!! And for the rest of the year I'll be lazing around, doing nothing. Ahhh, bliss.
E) End of School on 14th November!!
F) End-Of-Year Holiday Starts on 15th November!!!
Say hello to a glorious 2-month, Rotten-Pear-Fucker-and-School-Rule-Free holiday!! *whoops*
G) Five More Chapters of Geography To Go!!!
Only five.
But it's 11.30 p.m. now.
But it's only five chapters!!
No actually it's 11.43 p.m. now.
Nah I can finish five chapters in five minutes okay.
H) Hahahahhhahha.
I) Heheheheehehheh.
28th of November. It's coming soon!!
Only three months. =P
K) Christmas!!!
25th of December. It's coming soon!!
Only four months. =P
L) Boxing Day.
Blah, dull.
M) 27th Of December
N) 28th of December
O) 29th of December
P) 30th of December
Q) New Year's Eve!!!
There will be magnificent fireworks!! Wheee!! Hopefully I'll get to see them ...
R) New Year!!!
A new year, 2009.
As the saying goes, a new year, a new start, blah blah blah.
S) School Is Never Reopening.
I predict that the school will be burnt down by a fire on my birthday.
28th November 2009.
U) Lumpy Parrot Poo
V) Nutty Parrot Nipple Poo
W) Willy-Willy
I have obviously been studying Geography .... The Australians call the hurricane Willy-Willy!!! How cute, right??
X) Xylophone
Y) Yam
Z) Zebra
Damn it's 11.53 p.m. now!!
Time to go back to (G) ....
Good night!! And wish me luck~
Actually don't wish me luck as the exam tomorrow is not important (which explains why I'm still sitting here), wish me luck for PMR instead!!
♥ craving chocolate kisses ..
11:28 PM
11:28 PM
♥ Saturday, August 09, 2008 ♥
Destined To Be ...
9 August 2008
Hah!! I'm not going to post angry entries about school anymore. At least, not for today.
It's our school's cross-country run today!!
Actually I don't know if it's called the cross-country run as it's not even crossing 0.000001% of Penang, let alone the country.
It was quite fun actually, and there were free ice-creams for everyone who participated!! It was tiring though. And my muscles .... OUCH!!
I managed to come back within an hour, which is actually quite slow, because some people managed to come back in like, half an hour. Poooo.

Hui Jing & I
Ahhh. My hair was a wreck. Yeee-uck.
Seeeee I am leading such a healthy life!! What with exercising and everything. Eh I assure you it was completely voluntary!! Only the Form 1s were compulsory to join the run.
WAHAHAHA I'm going to run everyday. So I'll be as skinny as a .... chicken in no time.
(What, I like chickens cannot is it?? Better than if I used the word STICK right. So straight, so shapeless. Stick insects are the same. Shut up.)
Or .... maybe I won't.
I don't want to see myself in a wheelchair or using crutches.
Ate a chocolate ice-cream after running!!
Damn. Who eats ice-creams after a long run, huh?? HUH???
What's the point of exercising when you immediately stuff your face with ice-creams (of all things. Why couldn't it be a tuft of grass or a piece of lettuce??!?!) after running?? What's the point of thinking that you are going to lead a healthy life from this moment on when you at once wolfed down an ice-cream?? (a CHOCOLATE one, no less. WTF.)
After going to CO practice, my mum brought my sister and I to the Little Cottage Cafe 2 for lunch. Yummy!!
(YOU SEE?!??! Who in this world would eat an enormous lunch after having a good long exercise?? WHO?? Shit I think I'm destined to be fat.)

Err .... Soup??

Little Cottage Style Chicken Chop

Little Cottage Style Cocktail or Mocktail or Whatever It Is
Drooling much??
Actually the photos all suck because they're blur. So you are probably not drooling.
I love the Cocktail or Mocktail or Whatever It Is!! It's nice. Don't really know what's in the drink. Probably orange. And ... I don't know. It's a bit fizzy. Or maybe not fizzy. Err, a bit of a ... what!!?? Pricking sensation on the tongue?? Aiya I don't know lah.
After the enormous lunch (oh God got complimentary jelly some more, which means more calories T_T), we went home, and guess what I did.
No, I didn't eat another ice-cream.
Slept, from around 2.30 p.m in the afternoon until around 6.30 p.m. FOUR. WHOLE. FREAKING. HOURS. Which normal person sleeps for so long after having lunch??
How can I ever be thin huh huh huh??
But I was really tired!! They say that one will grow fat with lack of sleep. Hah. So I slept.
Hey, maybe if I sleep for the rest of my life I'll become skinny!!
Now I know how come Sleeping Beauty is so thin. Pooo.
(And don't you dare tell me that one will grow fat with excess sleep. Shush.)
And that's not all. After waking up, my mother said we're going out for dinner. What the - ??? Damn.
After dinner we bought a kind of dessert. Sheesh. Fat, I'll forever be. End of story.

Sorry lah I just love cam-whoring. :D
I'm going to show you some photos of plants in the next entry!! Not going to post entries about school. Hmmph!! Fucking school.
(Oh, the F word came out. See I told you I can never post an entry without a rude word.)
Hah!! I'm not going to post angry entries about school anymore. At least, not for today.
It's our school's cross-country run today!!
Actually I don't know if it's called the cross-country run as it's not even crossing 0.000001% of Penang, let alone the country.
It was quite fun actually, and there were free ice-creams for everyone who participated!! It was tiring though. And my muscles .... OUCH!!
I managed to come back within an hour, which is actually quite slow, because some people managed to come back in like, half an hour. Poooo.

Hui Jing & I
Ahhh. My hair was a wreck. Yeee-uck.
Seeeee I am leading such a healthy life!! What with exercising and everything. Eh I assure you it was completely voluntary!! Only the Form 1s were compulsory to join the run.
WAHAHAHA I'm going to run everyday. So I'll be as skinny as a .... chicken in no time.
(What, I like chickens cannot is it?? Better than if I used the word STICK right. So straight, so shapeless. Stick insects are the same. Shut up.)
Or .... maybe I won't.
I don't want to see myself in a wheelchair or using crutches.
Ate a chocolate ice-cream after running!!
Damn. Who eats ice-creams after a long run, huh?? HUH???
What's the point of exercising when you immediately stuff your face with ice-creams (of all things. Why couldn't it be a tuft of grass or a piece of lettuce??!?!) after running?? What's the point of thinking that you are going to lead a healthy life from this moment on when you at once wolfed down an ice-cream?? (a CHOCOLATE one, no less. WTF.)
After going to CO practice, my mum brought my sister and I to the Little Cottage Cafe 2 for lunch. Yummy!!
(YOU SEE?!??! Who in this world would eat an enormous lunch after having a good long exercise?? WHO?? Shit I think I'm destined to be fat.)

Err .... Soup??

Little Cottage Style Chicken Chop

Little Cottage Style Cocktail or Mocktail or Whatever It Is
Drooling much??
Actually the photos all suck because they're blur. So you are probably not drooling.
I love the Cocktail or Mocktail or Whatever It Is!! It's nice. Don't really know what's in the drink. Probably orange. And ... I don't know. It's a bit fizzy. Or maybe not fizzy. Err, a bit of a ... what!!?? Pricking sensation on the tongue?? Aiya I don't know lah.
After the enormous lunch (oh God got complimentary jelly some more, which means more calories T_T), we went home, and guess what I did.
No, I didn't eat another ice-cream.
Slept, from around 2.30 p.m in the afternoon until around 6.30 p.m. FOUR. WHOLE. FREAKING. HOURS. Which normal person sleeps for so long after having lunch??
How can I ever be thin huh huh huh??
But I was really tired!! They say that one will grow fat with lack of sleep. Hah. So I slept.
Hey, maybe if I sleep for the rest of my life I'll become skinny!!
Now I know how come Sleeping Beauty is so thin. Pooo.
(And don't you dare tell me that one will grow fat with excess sleep. Shush.)
And that's not all. After waking up, my mother said we're going out for dinner. What the - ??? Damn.
After dinner we bought a kind of dessert. Sheesh. Fat, I'll forever be. End of story.

Sorry lah I just love cam-whoring. :D
I'm going to show you some photos of plants in the next entry!! Not going to post entries about school. Hmmph!! Fucking school.
(Oh, the F word came out. See I told you I can never post an entry without a rude word.)
♥ craving chocolate kisses ..
11:04 PM
11:04 PM
♥ Thursday, August 07, 2008 ♥
WHAT THE - !!?!?!?
7 August 2008
(random stuff at the bottom of the post)
I just heard the most alarming, incredulous, unbelievable news today.
Not sure whether it's true or not, but I don't really care. I still hate our school no matter what.
(Damn my blog is turning into a boring, all-about-school blog that I detest. Sort of. Errgh.)
I heard that our school is changing the rules.
Normally we are allowed to have our hair length 5 cm below our earlobes (I know!!! Crazy!!!), and now they are changing it to 3 cm???! (I KNOW!!!! FUCKING CRAZY!!!!!)
(No it's not possible for me to post a rude-word-free entry)
Don't know whether it is for the fringe, the hair at the sides or the hair at the back.
Yes. In our school there are actually different parts, different .... CATEGORIES of hair. If your fringe is long, but the hair at the back is short, your hair is still qualified as too long, and POOF!! What?? Demerit of course. Is there anything else?
In our school, a bad student is equal to a student who has long hair (no matter which part of the hair), long nails, too short socks, and who brings a comb, liquid paper and beverages containing sugar to school.
I wonder what a student who smokes, do drugs, punch teachers in their faces, and murders people is qualified as??
I hope it is just a rumour.
If it is not, then I'm going to transfer schools.
If it is, I'm still going to transfer schools anyway.
Or maybe not. Maybe my parents really were joking, and won't allow me to. *sniff*
Well, then .... how?!??! There really IS no other way to get out of this horrible life, is there?
Oh my God I have so many things to say, but then, I probably have said them before. I want to punch things. Now. I want to punch a life-sized dummy until it dies, which will never happen as it is not alive.
God, what is HAPPENING??!?
Last year there was a rumour about the school allowing us to havelong LONGER (which would be 10 cm only) hair. My ARSE. Like that will ever happen.
My sister said it will never happen as the short-hair-rule is a tradition, and cannot be changed.
Oh, so it is okay to change it to an even-shorter-hair-rule??!!
A teacher said that during their days in this stupid school, their hair at the back must be .... pfffft, a clean, straight line beneath their earlobes.
So, the rules changed nowadays. So, it really is okay to change the rules. But hello, as time moves on, THINGS CHANGE. Can't they GET OVER their stupid many-decades-ago traditions??!! HUH??!
If it was HER, I tell you, if it was HER ...... damn it I can hardly resist the urge to go strangle her the next time I see her. Pull out every single strand of her ugly, coarse hair from her scalp. (She'd probably look better bald anyway. Like seriously.) Scratch her eyes until they bleed. ARRRRGHHHH.
Push her off a cliff. But there are no cliffs in Penang. Oh well. Push her off the cruise ship when we go cruising during the holidays. But no I probably will never go cruising with her. No way. Talk about the best way to ruin one's holiday.
I can't talk about this anymore, or else I'm going to fling myself off the balcony soon. (I probably won't die anyway, my house two storey only) School gets me furious and miserable. No. OUR school gets me furious and miserable.
Do they love to make us so unhappy?
Gosh, the PRESSURE.
If the piece of news is true, then I reckon every student will be ... err, what do you call it, black-listed?? Yep. How can they not, when the rules are so completely stupid and so completely easy to break?
So, the whole school will be full of black-listed bad students who got black-listed because of long hair, and the school will have to be closed down due to the fact that they are not capable of ... handling the students' discipline problems.
Oh, the joy. THE JOY.
Not making much sense. Ignore me.
Oh God, I'm wasting precious time AGAIN droning on about our stupid school AGAIN!!! Fuck school. I'm not going to waste time mulling over our school and getting myself in a bad mood.
I'm going to study.
OK, I'm not going to study.
How can I ever concentrate??! I have a good mind to ignore the fact that there is a Geography test next Wednesday. And that we'll be having Mathematics tests tomorrow and during the following week.
And yeah, there is still the planning for the post-PMR trip. Complicated. *rubs forehead*
My dad always told (scolded, more like) me that I must think of my future, my future, my future.
I'm thinking of my future now!!
Who cares about stupid tests and exams. I managed to think beyond the tests, exams, homework, projects ....
I'm looking at my future here, people. MY FUTURE.
And my future is the trip. So I have to work hard to make the trip succeed. Screw exams. I'm going to make sure that I have a promising, bright future.
End of story.
I was very happy today too!!
Notice something?? I was almost always happy, but then my happy, pretty pink (and TURQUOISE!!) bubble was always burst by some stupid thing related to school.
First the Rotten Pear Fucker. Now THIS.
The reasons I'm so happy are always secrets.
And the reasons why I'm very unhappy are always not secrets.
We baked some things at school today!!! It was very fun!! Haha.
But the things we baked were kind of gross. What ... Sardine Rolls?? YUCK!! Why can't we bake a decent chocolate cake or something?? We also baked Swiss Rolls which were of course, better than the disgusting Sardine Rolls.
But the Sardine Rolls were nicer to make!! We made it into all kinds of weird pillow-like shapes with the sardine fillings spilling out of the sides of the pillows. Cheh. We're still beginners what. :P
The things we baked were ... *sticks tongue out*
OK it wasn't that bad. But the sardine fillings in the Sardine Rolls were too salty. And the Sardine Rolls in the next room (class divided into two) was too plain. And the swiss roll in our room is too sweet because they put too much blueberry jam, and the swiss roll in the next room is not sweet enough.
Oh I keep day-dreaming these days. Dreaming about the life that I wish I have but never ever can have. Sigh. But it's nice enough, it feels like I'm actually leading that life.
So, go day-dream now!! It takes your mind off things, it makes you strangely, blissfully happy. What's there not to like about day-dreaming??
(random stuff at the bottom of the post)
I just heard the most alarming, incredulous, unbelievable news today.
Not sure whether it's true or not, but I don't really care. I still hate our school no matter what.
(Damn my blog is turning into a boring, all-about-school blog that I detest. Sort of. Errgh.)
I heard that our school is changing the rules.
Normally we are allowed to have our hair length 5 cm below our earlobes (I know!!! Crazy!!!), and now they are changing it to 3 cm???! (I KNOW!!!! FUCKING CRAZY!!!!!)
(No it's not possible for me to post a rude-word-free entry)
Don't know whether it is for the fringe, the hair at the sides or the hair at the back.
Yes. In our school there are actually different parts, different .... CATEGORIES of hair. If your fringe is long, but the hair at the back is short, your hair is still qualified as too long, and POOF!! What?? Demerit of course. Is there anything else?
In our school, a bad student is equal to a student who has long hair (no matter which part of the hair), long nails, too short socks, and who brings a comb, liquid paper and beverages containing sugar to school.
I wonder what a student who smokes, do drugs, punch teachers in their faces, and murders people is qualified as??
I hope it is just a rumour.
If it is not, then I'm going to transfer schools.
If it is, I'm still going to transfer schools anyway.
Or maybe not. Maybe my parents really were joking, and won't allow me to. *sniff*
Well, then .... how?!??! There really IS no other way to get out of this horrible life, is there?
Oh my God I have so many things to say, but then, I probably have said them before. I want to punch things. Now. I want to punch a life-sized dummy until it dies, which will never happen as it is not alive.
God, what is HAPPENING??!?
Last year there was a rumour about the school allowing us to have
My sister said it will never happen as the short-hair-rule is a tradition, and cannot be changed.
Oh, so it is okay to change it to an even-shorter-hair-rule??!!
A teacher said that during their days in this stupid school, their hair at the back must be .... pfffft, a clean, straight line beneath their earlobes.
So, the rules changed nowadays. So, it really is okay to change the rules. But hello, as time moves on, THINGS CHANGE. Can't they GET OVER their stupid many-decades-ago traditions??!! HUH??!
If it was HER, I tell you, if it was HER ...... damn it I can hardly resist the urge to go strangle her the next time I see her. Pull out every single strand of her ugly, coarse hair from her scalp. (She'd probably look better bald anyway. Like seriously.) Scratch her eyes until they bleed. ARRRRGHHHH.
Push her off a cliff. But there are no cliffs in Penang. Oh well. Push her off the cruise ship when we go cruising during the holidays. But no I probably will never go cruising with her. No way. Talk about the best way to ruin one's holiday.
I can't talk about this anymore, or else I'm going to fling myself off the balcony soon. (I probably won't die anyway, my house two storey only) School gets me furious and miserable. No. OUR school gets me furious and miserable.
Do they love to make us so unhappy?
Gosh, the PRESSURE.
If the piece of news is true, then I reckon every student will be ... err, what do you call it, black-listed?? Yep. How can they not, when the rules are so completely stupid and so completely easy to break?
So, the whole school will be full of black-listed bad students who got black-listed because of long hair, and the school will have to be closed down due to the fact that they are not capable of ... handling the students' discipline problems.
Oh, the joy. THE JOY.
Not making much sense. Ignore me.
Oh God, I'm wasting precious time AGAIN droning on about our stupid school AGAIN!!! Fuck school. I'm not going to waste time mulling over our school and getting myself in a bad mood.
I'm going to study.
OK, I'm not going to study.
How can I ever concentrate??! I have a good mind to ignore the fact that there is a Geography test next Wednesday. And that we'll be having Mathematics tests tomorrow and during the following week.
And yeah, there is still the planning for the post-PMR trip. Complicated. *rubs forehead*
My dad always told (scolded, more like) me that I must think of my future, my future, my future.
I'm thinking of my future now!!
Who cares about stupid tests and exams. I managed to think beyond the tests, exams, homework, projects ....
I'm looking at my future here, people. MY FUTURE.
And my future is the trip. So I have to work hard to make the trip succeed. Screw exams. I'm going to make sure that I have a promising, bright future.
End of story.
I was very happy today too!!
Notice something?? I was almost always happy, but then my happy, pretty pink (and TURQUOISE!!) bubble was always burst by some stupid thing related to school.
First the Rotten Pear Fucker. Now THIS.
The reasons I'm so happy are always secrets.
And the reasons why I'm very unhappy are always not secrets.
We baked some things at school today!!! It was very fun!! Haha.
But the things we baked were kind of gross. What ... Sardine Rolls?? YUCK!! Why can't we bake a decent chocolate cake or something?? We also baked Swiss Rolls which were of course, better than the disgusting Sardine Rolls.
But the Sardine Rolls were nicer to make!! We made it into all kinds of weird pillow-like shapes with the sardine fillings spilling out of the sides of the pillows. Cheh. We're still beginners what. :P
The things we baked were ... *sticks tongue out*
OK it wasn't that bad. But the sardine fillings in the Sardine Rolls were too salty. And the Sardine Rolls in the next room (class divided into two) was too plain. And the swiss roll in our room is too sweet because they put too much blueberry jam, and the swiss roll in the next room is not sweet enough.
Oh I keep day-dreaming these days. Dreaming about the life that I wish I have but never ever can have. Sigh. But it's nice enough, it feels like I'm actually leading that life.
So, go day-dream now!! It takes your mind off things, it makes you strangely, blissfully happy. What's there not to like about day-dreaming??
♥ craving chocolate kisses ..
8:52 PM
8:52 PM
♥ Saturday, August 02, 2008 ♥
Things Aren't Good
2 August 2008
How can things be good when ...
A) you dreamt of your school's extremely stupid rules, only ten times worse.
B) you dreamt of yourself fighting with a teacher at your house.
Yes, I dreamed that I had a fight with the Rotten Pear Fucker during a party at my house. And of course I won. I vaguely remember myself hitting her with a thick wooden stick, hard, at her tummy. Haha. Die, bitch.
And the fact that she's shorter than me only made it better.
(OK, I don't know if she's shorter than me in reality, but in my dream she was shorter by a few inches. HAHAHA. Stupid shorty.)
I wonder what I'll dream about tonight.
Probably something weird as well. Maybe this time I'll be at the swimming pool with my fellow assassins, hiding behind bushes and waiting until the moment is right to jump out at the Rotten Pear, who's wearing a bikini which ... err, accentuate her "curves", and baring her flat tummy.
Nobody said that all flat tummies are nice.
And her tummy will be all scars and bruises, thanks to the fight we had.
Don't mind me, I'm crazy.
And yeah I wasn't going to post anything today either.
How can things be good when ...
A) you dreamt of your school's extremely stupid rules, only ten times worse.
B) you dreamt of yourself fighting with a teacher at your house.
Yes, I dreamed that I had a fight with the Rotten Pear Fucker during a party at my house. And of course I won. I vaguely remember myself hitting her with a thick wooden stick, hard, at her tummy. Haha. Die, bitch.
And the fact that she's shorter than me only made it better.
(OK, I don't know if she's shorter than me in reality, but in my dream she was shorter by a few inches. HAHAHA. Stupid shorty.)
I wonder what I'll dream about tonight.
Probably something weird as well. Maybe this time I'll be at the swimming pool with my fellow assassins, hiding behind bushes and waiting until the moment is right to jump out at the Rotten Pear, who's wearing a bikini which ... err, accentuate her "curves", and baring her flat tummy.
Nobody said that all flat tummies are nice.
And her tummy will be all scars and bruises, thanks to the fight we had.
Don't mind me, I'm crazy.
And yeah I wasn't going to post anything today either.
♥ craving chocolate kisses ..
9:55 PM
9:55 PM
♥ Friday, August 01, 2008 ♥
I'm Sick Of Her Shit ...
1 August 2008
I wasn't going to post an entry today. But yeah. I need to release my anger again.
Anger on whom??
Why, the Rotten-Pear-Fucker of course. Of course.
Those who read my previous posts would know who she is. The bitch.
When I talk about her, it can only be about one thing : HAIR.
Okay, besides her ugly-ass clothes and her ugly-ass face. And her fucking ugly-ass everything. I swear there's not a single thing about her that I can accept. NONE. She's just like the China Princess. But at least I can accept the China Princess' hair. I can't accept the Pear Fucker's. I can't. It's an agony to look at her hair. Or her face. Or everything.
You know what??
I was in the staff room as usual (since Monday), err ... pestering and bothering Teacher Tan Lee Lee about the trip, trying my best to persuade her to go with us. I failed, but I already tried for the whole week, and I'm not going to give up soon. But I'm thinking maybe I shouldn't bother her too much as she already helped us a lot.
Anyway, the Rotten Pear was there too. I saw her for the whole week you know. Damn.
Later, Teacher TLL jokingly said, "Nah, ask HER to go with you!!" What the fuck. Over my cold, dead body. Hah. Like anyone will actually go if SHE'S going. I'd rather cancel the whole trip. WE'D all rather cancel the trip.
Then SHE said "You ask me to go?? More like, I ask her (which would be me) to cut her hair." Bitch. BITCH.
Hadn't she had enough?! Exactly when is she planning to stop complaining about my hair?? I feel like complaining about her hair too!! I'll say her ugly pear hair is blocking my view. Fish. Not to mention hurting everyone's eyes.
The rotten, rotten, ROTTEN, worm-ridden, smelly, bitter pear.
No. Wait. Even WORMS wouldn't want to go near such a fucking horrible pear. Over the worms' dead, cold bodies. HAH. Take that, fucker pear.
Why?? Why can't ANYONE understand?? Except our Civics teacher. And some other nice teachers. When they were in secondary school they had to suffer from having short hair. You'd think that since they went through it before, they'd understand. They'd change the rules, so that the younger generations need not suffer from the same things.
But no. NO.
If only our Civics teacher is the headmistress.
I tell you, our school will be the best, best school ever. Yes. Even with the filthy blackbirds and stinky toilets.
The stupid pear. I almost blurted something rude out. Instead, I just rolled my eyes and mouthed, "Motherfucker". And I think TLL saw me. But who cares. Everyone knows that they must be honest. Well, I can't be more honest than that.
Goddammit. I'm thinking pear is too good a name for her. Pears are one of my favorite fruits. Sweet, soft and perfectly nice when it's ripe. It is an insult. SHE is an insult to my favorite fruit.
I think I have her phone number somewhere. Maybe I should do some prank calls. Tell her I'm the head of a group of deadly assassins, and I'm going to break into the school tomorrow morning, kidnap her, and feed her pears till she choked.
And maybe I'll have my female assassin assistant give her a free haircut.
Hey, assassin assistant. That's catchy!! And nice to type. Assassin assistant.
Someone told me that she hates the Rotten Pear too. Because when that someone was sick, she went to find HER, to get some painkillers or whatever. And SHE kept on blabbing and blabbing, saying, oh, this is not good, yadda yadda. Hello!??! If you're on the verge of ... say, death, wouldn't you take some sort of medicine to make it a bit better?? It's not like you're taking it every day, hello, BLINDNESS?!?
Worse still, she thinks she's some kind of important person. I know I mentioned this before. But who cares.
She thinks she's what, HOT STUFF?? A COOL PERSON??
Oh, I'll admit something.
You know, how in those ... err, when you graduate, they will give out a "book" for everyone, with photos and comments of the graduating students, et cetera, whatever the "book" is called in English. Well, there's a photo of the Rotten Pear.
I, errr, I might have done some damage to that photo. Okay, it's not exactly a photo, more like, a .... uh, photo printed on glossy magazine-like-paper?? I .... um, well I was releasing my anger what. Uhh. Sorry though, to the unfortunate teacher whose photo was pasted behind HER photo on the next page.
My mom and I were talking about our school during dinner just now.
And she said, "Since you hate our school so much, why don't you transfer schools next year??"
Whoa. I so hope that is true.
Then she continued, "To Malay schools."
I told her I don't want to go to Malay schools, I want to go to English schools.
My dad also said I can transfer schools if I want. Unbelievable. Hopefully he is not joking with me. But my father isn't a crack-jokes kind of person if you know what I mean.
I am SOOOO happy!!! But actually, I wouldn't transfer schools unless if my friends are transferring with me.
But .... if I transferred schools, then ... there are a lot, A LOT of people I will miss. I don't want to leave them!! Damn I wish everyone's transferring schools with me. If I ever transfer, that is.
Besides the chance encounter of the Rotten Pear Fucker & I, I sort of had a happy day today!!!
Reason?? Secret. ;)
Oh. Yeah, I'm sort of freaked out by two people from our school. Or three. They're acting a bit strange. *raises eyebrow* I don't know what to say. Maybe it's just me being paranoid all over again. But it's ... I don't know. Peculiar.
Looking forward to tomorrow!! Um, I mean, today. Finally, finally, FINALLLLLY!!!
I wasn't going to post an entry today. But yeah. I need to release my anger again.
Anger on whom??
Why, the Rotten-Pear-Fucker of course. Of course.
Those who read my previous posts would know who she is. The bitch.
When I talk about her, it can only be about one thing : HAIR.
Okay, besides her ugly-ass clothes and her ugly-ass face. And her fucking ugly-ass everything. I swear there's not a single thing about her that I can accept. NONE. She's just like the China Princess. But at least I can accept the China Princess' hair. I can't accept the Pear Fucker's. I can't. It's an agony to look at her hair. Or her face. Or everything.
You know what??
I was in the staff room as usual (since Monday), err ... pestering and bothering Teacher Tan Lee Lee about the trip, trying my best to persuade her to go with us. I failed, but I already tried for the whole week, and I'm not going to give up soon. But I'm thinking maybe I shouldn't bother her too much as she already helped us a lot.
Anyway, the Rotten Pear was there too. I saw her for the whole week you know. Damn.
Later, Teacher TLL jokingly said, "Nah, ask HER to go with you!!" What the fuck. Over my cold, dead body. Hah. Like anyone will actually go if SHE'S going. I'd rather cancel the whole trip. WE'D all rather cancel the trip.
Then SHE said "You ask me to go?? More like, I ask her (which would be me) to cut her hair." Bitch. BITCH.
Hadn't she had enough?! Exactly when is she planning to stop complaining about my hair?? I feel like complaining about her hair too!! I'll say her ugly pear hair is blocking my view. Fish. Not to mention hurting everyone's eyes.
The rotten, rotten, ROTTEN, worm-ridden, smelly, bitter pear.
No. Wait. Even WORMS wouldn't want to go near such a fucking horrible pear. Over the worms' dead, cold bodies. HAH. Take that, fucker pear.
Why?? Why can't ANYONE understand?? Except our Civics teacher. And some other nice teachers. When they were in secondary school they had to suffer from having short hair. You'd think that since they went through it before, they'd understand. They'd change the rules, so that the younger generations need not suffer from the same things.
But no. NO.
If only our Civics teacher is the headmistress.
I tell you, our school will be the best, best school ever. Yes. Even with the filthy blackbirds and stinky toilets.
The stupid pear. I almost blurted something rude out. Instead, I just rolled my eyes and mouthed, "Motherfucker". And I think TLL saw me. But who cares. Everyone knows that they must be honest. Well, I can't be more honest than that.
Goddammit. I'm thinking pear is too good a name for her. Pears are one of my favorite fruits. Sweet, soft and perfectly nice when it's ripe. It is an insult. SHE is an insult to my favorite fruit.
I think I have her phone number somewhere. Maybe I should do some prank calls. Tell her I'm the head of a group of deadly assassins, and I'm going to break into the school tomorrow morning, kidnap her, and feed her pears till she choked.
And maybe I'll have my female assassin assistant give her a free haircut.
Hey, assassin assistant. That's catchy!! And nice to type. Assassin assistant.
Someone told me that she hates the Rotten Pear too. Because when that someone was sick, she went to find HER, to get some painkillers or whatever. And SHE kept on blabbing and blabbing, saying, oh, this is not good, yadda yadda. Hello!??! If you're on the verge of ... say, death, wouldn't you take some sort of medicine to make it a bit better?? It's not like you're taking it every day, hello, BLINDNESS?!?
Worse still, she thinks she's some kind of important person. I know I mentioned this before. But who cares.
She thinks she's what, HOT STUFF?? A COOL PERSON??
Oh, I'll admit something.
You know, how in those ... err, when you graduate, they will give out a "book" for everyone, with photos and comments of the graduating students, et cetera, whatever the "book" is called in English. Well, there's a photo of the Rotten Pear.
I, errr, I might have done some damage to that photo. Okay, it's not exactly a photo, more like, a .... uh, photo printed on glossy magazine-like-paper?? I .... um, well I was releasing my anger what. Uhh. Sorry though, to the unfortunate teacher whose photo was pasted behind HER photo on the next page.
My mom and I were talking about our school during dinner just now.
And she said, "Since you hate our school so much, why don't you transfer schools next year??"
Whoa. I so hope that is true.
Then she continued, "To Malay schools."
I told her I don't want to go to Malay schools, I want to go to English schools.
My dad also said I can transfer schools if I want. Unbelievable. Hopefully he is not joking with me. But my father isn't a crack-jokes kind of person if you know what I mean.
I am SOOOO happy!!! But actually, I wouldn't transfer schools unless if my friends are transferring with me.
But .... if I transferred schools, then ... there are a lot, A LOT of people I will miss. I don't want to leave them!! Damn I wish everyone's transferring schools with me. If I ever transfer, that is.
Besides the chance encounter of the Rotten Pear Fucker & I, I sort of had a happy day today!!!
Reason?? Secret. ;)
Oh. Yeah, I'm sort of freaked out by two people from our school. Or three. They're acting a bit strange. *raises eyebrow* I don't know what to say. Maybe it's just me being paranoid all over again. But it's ... I don't know. Peculiar.
Looking forward to tomorrow!! Um, I mean, today. Finally, finally, FINALLLLLY!!!
♥ craving chocolate kisses ..
11:26 PM
11:26 PM